adding a resource approval feature and fighting against ef core
I got a request to add a feature to our cms (mainly for videos) for a workflow for approving asr tracks before adding them to the main video content.
I see mainly two choices here: add necessary fields/columns to type Track or have a separate table for tracks to be approved.
Since tracks are in their own type/table, and it results that this workflow is fundamentally an external process, my thought was to put tracks in a separate table and when/if they are approved they are moved to the original Tracks table and are linked to the video.
Here start all the problems, because ef core does not allow two tables on the same type. I thought oh well, I will use Track as owned type of a ResourceApproval container type, BUT Tracks has inheritance so again it doesn't work.
see ResourceApproval
So next step I tried was to separate Track in identity (id) + values (the other fields), so that I could use, in a sort of composition way, the values in ResourceApproval
and avoid the inheritance... But again this causes other problems which I don't exactly understand, specifically creating a migration tells me that the relation Cues
cannot be determined, even if I add fluent over attributes to make it more (?) explicit.
see Track+TrackValues
So I don't know, either I have to flatten all the fields to make this work or what am I doing wrong? 🤷♂️
I wouldn't want to use another DbContext because since I would have a new type in there it probably would be a mess with the migrations.1 Reply
also i could go even more composition and have values from Track-inherited classes not inherit TrackValue, but i would have to use interfaces because obv. you cannot inherit multiple concrete classes and so it would probably be as an effort as using flat fields
no helpy helpy
anyway atm i've deleted the types and flattened the fields, can't spend days on this