C#8mo ago

IP-based licensing system

i am making a app with both client and server program, and i have stripe purchasing keys that i generate. Would is make sense to tie the key with IP address, such as using System.Net instead of other way like hardware idnetifier? because user must purchase both client and server to run program effectively I was thinking using a licensing server with the key in one column of sql database and ip in another
18 Replies
SleepWellPupper8mo ago
IPs can change and do not necessarily identify your customers uniquely. Why not have them activate their products using the usual authentication flows?
GullaOP8mo ago
u mean sign-in/register?
The Fog from Human Resources
Ips can change You can either go with HWID and some other data combo or figure out a different way :pwetty:
SleepWellPupper8mo ago
Yes + associate products purchased to the account
The Fog from Human Resources
You can never prevent piracy to the fullest so expect stuff to happen you can only rly work around it
GullaOP8mo ago
im aware its not perfect when i suggested initially
SleepWellPupper8mo ago
hard disagree on any kind of HW bound products, that makes for the worst ux What if I wanted to move your software to my new workstation? I'd have to purchase again?
The Fog from Human Resources
Maybe migrate keys For my products people can simply email me about having a new device
SleepWellPupper8mo ago
Yeah so auth based product activation, not HWID
The Fog from Human Resources
My product keys lock to the device But in my case people know that and they also know they can request migration keys
SleepWellPupper8mo ago
If you need DRM and the like, you can force users to aways be online in order to authenticate their copy and then just make sure that only one session per key is active at a time.
The Fog from Human Resources
That's also a great approach
SleepWellPupper8mo ago
It's not great for SW freedom but - you have a client/server product anyway - you're making a commercial product (I'm assuming) And theres lots of preestablished methods for this approach out there
GullaOP8mo ago
thank both, those some good approaches it soundthe DRM mean that my licensing server has to have basicaly 0 downtime for user to run the software i heard about another method where program can make http request, like once/ twice per week to mantain authentication and it work for some software
Buddy8mo ago
What are you making?
GullaOP8mo ago
a file transfer program, that trasnfer from client to server
Buddy8mo ago
I personally don't buy softwares that allow to transfer (activate / deactivate) keys between computers Locking based on IP is a bad decision Especially since IPs can change Hardware ID then allow the deactivation / activation of devices
Buddy8mo ago
For example like this Image taken from Google
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