EF Stupid, Why I get this error
How to fix this, maybe because i am using old entity framework 2.1.4?

5 Replies
Yes, 2.1.4 is old old
Dunno how it was done in the antediluvian exactly, but nowadays you don't really attach and detach entities manually, that could be it
Kinda hard to figure out what's going on, too, since there's layers of indirection here
Like this
thing that seems to be... resolveing an asynchronous query synchronously? Wtf?
Could be something wrong thereQueryTask is a method i made which all connection will register in array and can be cancel by administrator depends on user.
Like, manually cancelling database queries...?
A query takes miliseconds, how is anybody supposed to cancel the query in time?
Because this is server database that has grather than 1 million rows. And the database is using open edge, but version of 2013 so it take long when query million of data and thousand of tables.
Does it not have indexes or something that querying a table with a million rows is slow?
Regardless, what does this method do, exactly?
Usually, whenever I see issues with multiple instances of the same entity being tracked, it's sume async shenanigans
async void
methods, or some tasks going unawaited
You're doing async-over-sync here, so could be that
Which, by the way... why?