✅ Separate C# Dll
Hello everyone, I have a project I made in C#, but even if I change the design, the DLL changes and therefore the value I get changes. To avoid this I copied the project into the same solution and the names were the same. I changed the namespaces and made it compile as a DLL, not as an exe. But now dll project can't find the Service and Web references and I get thousands of errors that they are not defined. How do I solve this? Or can I do it in an easier way?
26 Replies
the DLL changes and therefore the value I get changes.what exactly do you mean by this? yes, the DLL will change if you change its source code and rebuild that's completely normal
Unknown User•4mo ago
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Project names was the same egg. Project1-Project1
for example;
Unknown User•4mo ago
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this is a example not main project XD
Unknown User•4mo ago
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np np
Unknown User•4mo ago
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so the problem is, when i call the dll, vs is confusing it self and can't use the dll's functions
why do you have duplicate code in 2 projects?
Unknown User•4mo ago
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because of the hash codes. When i change the original project hash codes changes and this time my customers cant use the program. So i found the solution this way. I separated dll by copying the main project.
can you start from the beginning and explain why that matters?
why are you checking the hash code (file hash?) of the DLL? why can't they use it if it's different?
this is a project integrated with ingenico, so when i change something in my program, ingenicos hash is changing
and everytime i have to contact them to update my hash code
if you are developing this software i'm sure you have a method in place to update the expected hashes of the files
then do that, that's the right solution
trying to work around security measures for what looks like a payment platform sounds like a really bad idea
I'm not trying to work around security measures, in fact, the changes made to the program are usually on the UI. The functions are always the same, so I don't want to make an appointment for the slightest change and waste my time.
I searched the whole project but there is not such a thing like this
then adopt a release cycle that doesn't need you to update them so often
and everytime i have to contact them to update my hash codethis is what i meant and you are literally trying to work around a security measure that verifies the integrity of your files the solution is to follow the process the platform wants you to follow to update your code
actually they wanted me to do
It wasn't my idea
Sorry but I can't share the source code due to confidentiality agreement, i was just trying to find a solution to the problem
there is no good solution for what you want, you can't have ambiguous code from copying it into the project consuming the library
Unknown User•4mo ago
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ok but that looks to me like you have to split the code in two dlls, one that doesn't change and is verified by ingenico and the other which is update more often
you would have to find a way to make them communicate tho
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yeap i'm trying to do something like this
Unknown User•4mo ago
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i solved the problem thx