✅ ABP.IO framework, can't open the swagger
I'm using abp version 9.0, but the problem is when ever i create a new app the swagger doesn't work, this error show up "Refused to apply style from 'https://localhost:44389/global-scripts.js?_v=638710662962456189' because its MIME type ('text/javascript') is not a supported stylesheet MIME type, and strict MIME checking is enabled" i can't open the swagger page at all, if someone can help
6 Replies
How is global-scripts.js referenced?
Idk because those who made abp.io don't show their .cshtml pages, I followed their document they didn't say anything about this bug, and I didn't even touch my project just run the project to see is everything ok, and found out it's not
It's open source, so you can pull down the source and fix it or get a version that works if the bug was recently introduced.
Thanks for help
Unknown User•2mo ago
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