C#8mo ago
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✅ if statement help

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19 Replies
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Deleted userOP8mo ago
Im making it wher i cant use negitives im new so any help would be nice
what is the value of Program.balance
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Deleted userOP8mo ago
and what happen when you substract -1000 from 1000 like 1000 - (-1000)?
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Deleted userOP8mo ago
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what is the value of 1000 - (-1000)?
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Deleted userOP8mo ago
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Deleted userOP8mo ago
i mean just solve simple math question and you will understand, what is 1000 - (-1000)
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Deleted userOP8mo ago
yes, which means that NewBalance now has a value of 2000 and when you check if 2000 <= 0 it will be false if I understood what you want to accomplish you should change if(NewBalance <= 0) to if(withDrawl_Ammount <= 0)
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Deleted userOP8mo ago
omg im dumb sorry im now understanding i got another Q for u
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Deleted userOP8mo ago
what am i doing wrong here for math
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Deleted userOP8mo ago
cause i need it to add to my orignal balence
Kouhai8mo ago
You're returning from the method on this line which causes the rest of the method to never get executed
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Kouhai8mo ago
Besides that, you're not check if depositAmount is negative or not You're only checking if adding the deposit amount with the Program.balance causes Program.balance to be lower than or equal to zero So if your Program.balance is 1000 and your depositAmount is -10 Program.balance is 990
Deleted user
Deleted userOP8mo ago
soo just remove the = in <= ? also how do i make it add still the Program.balence still says 1000 im bad at math oh nvm i needed to swap program.balence abd newBalenceDepo var
Pobiega8mo ago
if (trueOrFalse)
// everything inside the brackets is conditional

Console.WriteLine("This is conditional.");
Console.WriteLine("This ALWAYS happens.");
if (trueOrFalse)
// everything inside the brackets is conditional

Console.WriteLine("This is conditional.");
Console.WriteLine("This ALWAYS happens.");
this isnt python - if you skip the braces after an if (...) only the next statement is conditional so that return; Kouhai pointed out isnt conditional - it always runs
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Unknown User8mo ago
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