✅ Obfuscate
How do I assign an OBF to an application I made in C#? When I used ConfuserEx, I couldn't assign an OBF because I was using Guna2. Is there another application?
17 Replies
obligatory $obfuscation
"Then finally, there is that question of code privacy. This is a lost cause. There is no transformation that will keep a determined hacker from understanding your program. This turns out to be true for all programs in all languages, it is just more obviously true with JavaScript because it is delivered in source form. The privacy benefit provided by obfuscation is an illusion. If you don’t want people to see your programs, unplug your server."
- Douglas Crockford
* Spend your effort on putting proprietary things in your api, and keeping the distributed code as empty as possible
* Use AuthN/AuthZ to control who/what/when/etc...
* Free obfuscation is worth the amount your paid for it -- it's already broken and most decompilers out there can make sense of it.
* Paid ofbuscation will bankrupt you unless you have a very strong revenue stream and can justify the additional cost with gained sales
* The "threat" of someone hijacking your UI and shimming it to make it provide them money is not a real threat. If this is legitimate software, you can ruin their business with lawsuits
- Cisien
Software Engineering Stack Exchange
Is it important to obfuscate C++ application code?
In the Java world, sometimes it seems to be a problem, but what about C++? Are there different solutions?
I was thinking about the fact that someone can replace the C++ library of a specific OS wit...
confuserex seems to be dead for almost 10 years, so i fully expect its obfuscation to be reversible
honestly to me trying to obfuscate code is kinda pointless, java is a zip file (also theres JADX), C# has dotpeek and so on
if you want something more straight forward youd need a language that actually compiles but that also wont stop people, ive seen others pull off the most crazy stuff in the smallest amount of time
the issue is that what runs can almost always be sort of interpreted and therefore be parsed into a more understandable form
feel free to correct anything wrong i said i was just speaking from personal experience over the years :thinker:
I opened this channel because there are a lot of people who want to copy the application I made (because it was copied before) and there are few C# obf applications.
the idea of obfuscation is to defeat decompilers though
do you mean in a way that decompilers dont know what to do with it or in a way the person on the other end not knowing what to do with the decomp. output?
some obfuscators change the code in a way that can make decompilers think it's an invalid program
thats interesting
but wont that affect the runtime?
it can
not in speed or performance i mean in functionality
but this isn't really helping answer op's question
in general, anyone who wants your program enough will find a way to deobfuscate it
free obfuscators are basically a waste of time
the best way to protect your code is by not distributing it and moving the valuable functionality to a server/API
Unknown User•7mo ago
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