How to get screen capture at 120 frames per second?
I am building an application that is using OpenCV . It needs to get the live video of what is being displayed on my monitor. I am wondering if anyone knows a good way to get access to more frames per second. Currently I can only get around 40 with built the built in screen grabber.
14 Replies
Do you really need more FPS?
For example, the Tesla cameras only record with 24 FPS iirc
Would have to know what you are doing with those frames
There are some instances where something is visible (and needs to be handled) for only 16ms. I need the higher frames to capture that information and have more headroom in processing it
I see, that makes sense
Are you trying to target cross-platform?
Or a specific platform only?
I had to do sth similiar for my bachelor thesis and took some inspiration from OBS
No, I'm just supporting windows 11. I was hoping there was a simpler solution/package that could handle it
Not sure if there is a nuget package for that kind of stuff
After reading some documentation, I think my fps is low because I had coupled AcquireNextFrame with some of my logic. Im gonna add some threading.
I'm so glad I don't have to optimize stuff like this normally.
What are you even doing?
Automating a game
Which game