C#2mo ago

Cant create seed data for integrational tests

Hello evereybody. I've recently updated my projects with authentification. Before that, i managed users as simple database resource with simple CRUD operations. Now my AppUser inherits from IdentityUser. I also added a new endpoint for user registration. But now i need to update my integrational tests and im having problems with inserting seed data into test database. How to fix my WebApplicationFactory and Utilites classes to add/delete seede users to database?
9 Replies
Tvde12mo ago
Do you get an error? What's not working for you?
skmkqw2mo ago
For example my test with get all users enpoint always returns 0 users while 3 is the expected result. I'm 100% sure the problem is that users seed data in not in the database when it' created (it returns users when i test it in swagger). So i cant really understand how to insert these example users in my test database. It works for projects and tasks (other resources), but my user model inherits from IdentityUser. Project link: https://github.com/skmkqw/ProjectManagementAPI/tree/Authentification
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skmkqw2mo ago
I can also pin test results if you want to
Tvde12mo ago
I don't quite remember it, but do you have to make a new migration for this?
skmkqw2mo ago
Yes, i did one. Api is working good in practice I'm not sure where the problem is: in configuring test database or in seeding data
Tvde12mo ago
hmm all I can think of now is that Utilities.InitializeDatabase(dbContext, userManager); is called inside the ConfigureTestServices. Maybe you would want to do it after not sure if the in memory db gets recreated or so
skmkqw2mo ago
im quite sure it's in the right place. At least all the other resources are working well
Tvde12mo ago
https://github.com/search?q=repo%3Adotnet%2FAspNetCore.Docs.Samples%20InitializeDbForTests&type=code you could check out this repo, they don't do seeding in the configure method
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skmkqw2mo ago
I found the problem. The devil was in details) The is thing is by default Identity refuses to register users who dont have at least 1 uppercase letter in password. Changing "password123!" to "Password123!" made it work.