Copy paste detector

Hi, I‘m searching for a good copy paste code detector for my ci pipeline. I tried sonarqube but I want to have the result in the ci and don’t want to wait for the webhook. pmd cpd looks quite promising. What are you using or recommending?
6 Replies
Denis2mo ago
I believe is an alternative to sonarqube. See what they have to offer, maybe it has what you need
illusioncloudOP2mo ago
Seems like I can’t connect my on premise gitlab to it. Thanks anyway.
DΣX2mo ago
i have no direct idea, as i have never thought about the problem. are you trying to detect code that is duplicated within the same codebase or do you want to check if the code is also used outside, in open source repos?
DΣX2mo ago
ah ok, the CPD website explains it. it is essentially trying to push u towards the DRY principle. Interesting! what are your problems with integrating the CPD cli?
Finding duplicated code with CPD | PMD Source Code Analyzer
Learn how to use CPD, the copy-paste detector shipped with PMD.
illusioncloudOP2mo ago
thanks for the info. so i am on the right way. have you ever seen casacades of copied code in switch case blocks? or near similar functions? cpd is a good indicator that more then one place is responsible for the same thing. i had good experiecnes with it in other languages. so i was searching for something to build into the ci
DΣX2mo ago
Cloned code 'can' be ok sometimes. Just saying 😁

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