✅ Animations
So i made this in figma, also made it in c# winforms, but looking for a way to know if it is possible to make this kind of animations in c#
20 Replies
in winforms? if it is possible im sure it will be a pain in the ass
in any newer framework yes its possible
newer framework like wpf ?
cheat loader?
it is a simple ui, it dosnt actually load anything, i want to make it and then sell it
sell it for what purpose?
why would anyone sell anything ?
my point is, who would buy a cheat loader that doesn't do anything
im selling the ui
then pick a different topic to use as an example
anything related to cheating is against discord TOS and the rules of this server
lmao i shouldve read that first
What a pity.
Wasted talent
Unknown User•9mo ago
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In case you're making a cheat, there's a specific channel for that, it's not listed on purpose though,
You need to open a request in #report-a-problem and ask to get access to the Cheat channel, this will eventually be granted in the next minutes / hours
Unknown User•9mo ago
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im not making a cheat, im trying to create a ui, and the "cheat" vibe fitted the best
Unknown User•9mo ago
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Why not a game store?
Game / App Store is a very good demo.
Thats actually a great idea, imma do smth like that
i did this in around 1 hour, i want to finish it tomorrow, any suggestions? the image flikering and sudden color changes are figma issue) btw
!ban @bïćç cheat loading developer