I want to be a job ready in .Net

I have already 1 year experience in Vuejs. A roadmap would be nice
2 Replies
TilionDC•2mo ago
step 1. Learn C#. If you are interested in using VueJS i would suggest trying to make a fullstack project with Asp.Net and VueJS Step 2. Apply for a job or internship
VYRUS•2mo ago
Do you have access to PluralSight? If so you can follow this path: https://app.pluralsight.com/paths/skills/aspnet-core-6 It gives you everything you need including practice assessments for you to measure your own skill level, so you know where you're at and where to focus. In the last 3-4 jobs I've worked at, all of them provided Pluralsight as a company benefit, one of them I had to ask but there was no push back as it's an amazing upskilling resource. There are also paths designed for passing certifications and include practice exams so really helpful. If you are going down the self teaching route, your biggest hurdle will be getting your first industry role as a junior. There are heaps of junior and graduate developers, significantly less mid-level and even less senior. You will get more in-demand as you become more experienced and this doesn't take long (2 years as a junior if you remain focused). You need to stand out from those juniors and graduates though, all the graduates have degrees which gives them a step up over those who are self-taught. So your best bet will be to look for certifications so you can prove your knowledge translates into practical application. LinkedIn is amazing once you're past junior as you'll start having recruiters contact you for roles than the other way round. Certifications help massively in this as you can display them on your LinkedIn profile which makes you appear higher up in searches. So make sure you're active on LinkedIn, it's by far the best tool for finding an employer. I was considering writing a book about all of this a while back, I might have to get my notes out and see if I can restart