Created by TilionDC on 6/6/2024 in #help
MAUI for Android requires wasi-experimental to be installed but it is already installed
Hi! So I am trying to MAUI application on an android emulator but when building for android it fails because the workload WASI-Experimental isn't installed. So far I have tried: dotnet workload install wasi-experimental dotnet workload restore dotnet workload repair dotnet workload uninstall wasi-experimental uploading the code to git and start a new project. Downloading the code on another computer and start it from there (which works but its too slow for any emulator so I had to use my phone) What is different from when it used to work is that I upgraded the project to .Net 8. I am running on windows 11 where it doesn't work (remote) and Windows 10 where it does work (local machine) Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix it? I have also restarted both machines and visual studio multiple times
1 replies
Created by TilionDC on 5/14/2024 in #help
Application rewrite itself during runtime?
My question is, is it possible? I have tried looking using filestreamoptions.share but it doesn't allow writing to a program that is used, only reading. My only idea so far is for the application to start a new application, close itself and then have the second application edit the file and then open it again. However I would like the have the file keep its PID.
9 replies
Created by TilionDC on 5/7/2024 in #help
Is there an implementation for converting a SecurityToken to JsonWebToken?
Edit for formatting I'm not really sure if its an intermediate or advanced question. I am trying to make a little login framework to learn how the identitymodel works. I am generating tokens but I want to support many types of authentication so obviously supporting JsonWebTokens are a priority. Does anyone know if there is an existing implementation for converting Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens.SecurityToken to Microsoft.IdentityModel.JsonWebTokens.JsonWebToken For some reason JsonWebTokenHandler is implementing TokenHandler instead of SecurityTokenHandler so there isn't the CreateToken method from SecureTokenHandler but instead its own implementation of CreateToken that returns a string Its still possible to write a SecureToken from that string but I cant find any way to turn it back into a JsonWebToken
1 replies
Created by TilionDC on 7/19/2023 in #help
✅ WriteProcessMemory With Kernel32.dll
Hi everyone! I am trying to write some data to some memory addresses that isn't owned by the process. So far I can read the data of consecutive memory addresses by using ReadProcessMemory in kernel32.dll but I can't get it to override any existing data. Does anyone have any idea of how I should get it to work? Or is this a feature no longer supported in windows? I can't find any recent topics on the on the interweb.
36 replies