Testcontainers CosmosDB / WebApplication Factory ConnectionString Not Working
If it doesn't work the DI way. Try creating an azurecredential and see if you can make a dbclient that way
29 replies
Testcontainers CosmosDB / WebApplication Factory ConnectionString Not Working
I'm no connectionstring expert but try take a look at this. What dbserver are you using?
29 replies
Application rewrite itself during runtime?
So I have some scipts that I run in python but i hate python so I wanna rewrite them in c# the thing is that I don't want to recompile every time that I need to change something and I don't want a seperate settings file so I thought to append the settingsfile to the end of the executable. I got everythign working for it to write a copy with the settings appended. I just need a good way to have the application apply it to itself instead of creating a copy
9 replies
What is the best EXPERT .net api course? or generally C# course
I can't speak for courses to become a "master". But if you are willing to pay for it, I suppose dometrain might have good courses. At least the teachers are verified. Other than that, get a job with more senior developers. The work place is the best place to learn.
When I wan't to learn I usually ask ChatGPT for questions about the domain, then I research each topic GPT replies with. Most often it just comes down to conventional designs when using a specific framework and trying to puzzle which pattern to use where.
Then of course you can level up your knowledge by learning to use the popular frameworks that exist and that way have a broader understanding on what framework to use and when.
You should also be reading microsofts blog if you aren't already and when looking at documentation, check when a feature was implemented and look at upgrade guides.
11 replies