✅ Setting up WPF logging to OTLP collector
My docker compose:
My otel config:
My WPF app config
But... no logs are received by the collector. Why and how do I fix it?
Or at least the running collector instance isn't logging anything when my app is producing logs.
7 Replies
if you start them via docker compose, they need to refer to eachother by the service name
The wpf app is local, outside of docker
ah okay
can you verify that the collector is up and running and can be connected to?
monitor its log traffic while starting the wpf app or something
The collector logs its startup sequence, so I see no issue there. I'm not sure how I can send a test log outside of my WPF app, by directly accessing the exposed endpoint. Or even how to check whether the collector is accessible outside of docker
Grafana and loki are accessible via the respective localhost addresses
hm, no obvious ideas from me then
Here§s what the collector logs
It appears that my custom otel config is causing the issues. If I remove it, everything works. Maybe I need to add more things to the config to display debug tracing and health checks?
exporterhelper/queue_sender.go:101 Exporting failed. Dropping data. {"kind": "exporter", "data_type": "logs", "name": "otlphttp", "error": "not retryable error: Permanent error: rpc error: code = Unimplemented desc = error exporting items, request to http://loki:3100/otlp/v1/logs responded with HTTP Status Code 404", "dropped_items": 3}
with the following config for OTLP:
I had to change the image to the contrib, and use the loki receiver