C#8mo ago

✅ WPF UI Design help

Im new to WPF but are getting better little by little, but im stil very confused, on how a design like this is done. Can someone help me in the right direction? Im using WPF UI, but are unsure if i should use Cards, Borders, Images, Canvas etc.. Any advice or suggestion is appriciated.
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9 Replies
RodF8mo ago
Its been a couple years since I've done any WPF. I would use cards for the lower row, but in the upper row I'd use a Canvas with an image in the background, with all the text/buttons in the foreground.
Buddy8mo ago
Note that the cards in Microsoft Store are made with shaders, ComputeSharp
Buddy8mo ago
GitHub - Sergio0694/ComputeSharp: A .NET library to run C# code in ...
A .NET library to run C# code in parallel on the GPU through DX12, D2D1, and dynamically generated HLSL compute and pixel shaders, with the goal of making GPU computing easy to use for all .NET dev...
Buddy8mo ago
Starting from the January 2023 release, it is using ComputeSharp.D2D1.Uwp to leverage custom effects and pixel shaders to power several graphics elements in the application, such as the new app cards.
leowest8mo ago
also microsoft store uses UWP not WPF. I have also looked into WPFUI and they do not have a carousel control so u would have to write your own carousel to imitate that.
MONOOP8mo ago
is there a big difference besides its "Universal" ? Thanks, ill look into that 🙂 Oh sounds like a smart way to do it. Thanks!
leowest8mo ago
many differences in terms of controls it also have rendering features wpf does not in terms of XAML is relative close also in terms of the API to say open files etc its very different regardless what u want to do is possible in WPF, u would just have to create it yourself pretty much https://stackoverflow.com/questions/63851398/how-can-i-implement-a-carousel-of-images-in-wpf-where-the-selected-item-is-alway then u could use storyboard to animate the movements http://web.archive.org/web/20191123021933/https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/4051491/A-Custom-WPF-Carousel-Control but yeah its WPF you have over 15+ years of content so if u search I am sure u will find the controls u need already made https://drwpf.com/blog/category/panels/
MONOOP8mo ago
Thanks! for all the info and links 🙂 ill look into that to
MODiX8mo ago
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