C#2mo ago

NetArchTests Not Detecting Project References

anyone here familiar with netarchtests? I am trying to enforce clean architecture, and for some reason, it is not detecting project references:
public void Application_ShouldNotHave_DependencyOnOtherProjects()
var assembly = typeof(Application.AssemblyReference).Assembly;
var otherProjects = new[] { CoreNamespace, InfrastructureNamespace, ContractsNamespace, ApiNamespace, ArpNamespace };

var test = Types.InAssembly(assembly)

Assert.IsTrue(test.IsSuccessful, GenerateErrorMessage(test));
public void Application_ShouldNotHave_DependencyOnOtherProjects()
var assembly = typeof(Application.AssemblyReference).Assembly;
var otherProjects = new[] { CoreNamespace, InfrastructureNamespace, ContractsNamespace, ApiNamespace, ArpNamespace };

var test = Types.InAssembly(assembly)

Assert.IsTrue(test.IsSuccessful, GenerateErrorMessage(test));
The above test should fail, but isnt -- note: assume namespace strings are correct
1 Reply
kmanjt2mo ago