Goals and Learning Path

I'm a composer/producer/sound designer (c.p.sd) first and foremost. However, I've come across quite a few situations where having programming knowledge is not only helpful, but nearly mandatory. I've learned enough so far to be to work independently in Godot (gdscript), but I'm trying to take it as far as I can while not putting so much on my plate that I lose sight of my original goals. Goals (immediate): to develop knowledge and skills that are useful for a c.p.sd., and allows me to stand out among everyone else in a similar position. Goals (long term): be able to develop tools, plugins, etc that I can use for my own work. Learning Path: This is where you all come in because while I'm still working on general concepts I'm not always sure where to focus next. I don't plan on doing things like web dev, or dealing databases. In fact, I'm not looking to go far beyond what's useful for audio applications unless it's absolutely necessary. I'm not looking for exact sources, or long winded explanations. Just throw out suggestions, key words, etc. that you think are relevant to the goals I've outlined above. Thank you,
6 Replies
Lê Duy Quang
Lê Duy Quang10mo ago
MIDI, digital signal processing. Though from "Godot" you want to make a game?
I'm not trying to be a solo game dev, but I am interested in knowing my way around a game engine. Particularly with Godot not every programmer wants to deal with integrating middleware like Wwise or Fmod. For example, creating a FSM to implement a dynamic or even interactive music system.
Buddy10mo ago
You can use Unreal Engine's Blueprint if you do not feel comfortable with coding. Blueprint is node based Visual Scripting And it is widely used, so you'll have no problems looking finding guides, etc. Can look something like this You can also use C / C++ in Unreal Engine which is heavily used in the music industry for plugins to tools. But C / C++ is signficantly harder than most languages, apart from a select few. GDScript is a scripting language made specifically for Godot. It is not translatable to anywhere else.
sibber10mo ago
the fundemental programming knowledge is translatable and the syntax is a bit similar to python which has bindings for everything, probably including plugin apis
blueprint is something I've looked at before (when I hadn't even started learning programming yet), and it's something I've considered going to back now that I've had experience with programming in general. I'm trying real hard to avoid the temptation to hop around languages a lot right now. I'll glance at their documentation from time to time to see what I can recognize from what I'm learning in C#, but otherwise I'm trying to minimize syntax as a variable in this process.
sibber10mo ago
c++ is very different

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