C#5mo ago

Strange issue with Visual Studio and Codeium

I've recently started using Codeium in Visual Studio, but a strange bug is occurring. While Codeium is installed in VS, every time I save a file, a new .tmp file is created of that file. These are never deleted automatically, I have to do so manually. I can uninstall Codeium, and the issue goes away. When I then reinstall Codeium, it starts happening again, so I'm sure it's part of causing the issue. I wanna hear any possible solutions for solving/circumventing this issue. Even simple hacky solutions like just having VS not include these files in the solution would be acceptable (I've not found a way to exclude files based on extension). I just need the files to not be in the solution itself, since they make it hard to manage, and they show up in project-wide searches. Attempted solutions that have not worked: excluding folders in Windows Defender.
5 Replies
ACiDCA75mo ago
so you just want to remove all *.tmp files from the solutionexplorer but they are allowed to stay in the folder right?
KuzuneOP5mo ago
I would of course prefer if they weren't created at all, but yes, key thing is they don't show up in the solution (and that I don't have to manually exclude every file that is created).
ACiDCA75mo ago
you can use wildcards add eg
<Compile Remove="*.tmp" />
<Compile Remove="*.tmp" />
to your csproj
KuzuneOP5mo ago
Does not seem to work for me. I added this to the csproj, and .TMP files are still being created and shown in Solution Explorer.
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KuzuneOP5mo ago
Hmm, "None Remove" seems to do it however Well its installed as an extension

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