C#3w ago

✅ How to get better at writing EF Queries?

Maybe I just don't really understand things, but I create database tables try to separate things and do all the relationships, and then I start having to do these massive includes like this, and I feel like its just going to cause performance issues
public async Task<IEnumerable<Category>> GetAllCategoriesTaskListsAsync(string userId, string categoryName)
return await _context.Categories
.Include(c => c.TaskLists)
.ThenInclude(tl => tl.User)
.Include(c => c.TaskLists)
.ThenInclude(tl => tl.TaskListItems)
.Include(c => c.TaskLists)
.ThenInclude(tl => tl.UserTaskLists)
.Where(c => c.UserId == userId && c.Name.ToLower() == categoryName.ToLower())
public async Task<IEnumerable<Category>> GetAllCategoriesTaskListsAsync(string userId, string categoryName)
return await _context.Categories
.Include(c => c.TaskLists)
.ThenInclude(tl => tl.User)
.Include(c => c.TaskLists)
.ThenInclude(tl => tl.TaskListItems)
.Include(c => c.TaskLists)
.ThenInclude(tl => tl.UserTaskLists)
.Where(c => c.UserId == userId && c.Name.ToLower() == categoryName.ToLower())
Is there a better way to make these queries? I tried doing courses on EF Core itself to learn better but its always just these simple queries and then my personal projects require more complex queries where I start to hit a world of issues. I've managed to refactor the above into this
public async Task<List<TaskList>> GetAllTaskListsInCategoryAsync(int categoryId)
return await _context.TaskLists.Where(t => t.CategoryId == categoryId)
.Include(t => t.TaskListItems)
.Include(t => t.TaskListAssignments)
.ThenInclude(tla => tla.User)
public async Task<List<TaskList>> GetAllTaskListsInCategoryAsync(int categoryId)
return await _context.TaskLists.Where(t => t.CategoryId == categoryId)
.Include(t => t.TaskListItems)
.Include(t => t.TaskListAssignments)
.ThenInclude(tla => tla.User)
But I still feel like repeatedly doing includes causes issues.
41 Replies
mg3w ago
generally there's no problem with what you're doing. joins are a part of using relational databases and sometimes you have to do a handful of them. modeling your data is a skill and there are definitely more and less efficient ways to model something, but simply having joins isn't wrong
mg3w ago
be mindful of cartesian explosion and how to mitigate it and you'll be fine
Single vs. Split Queries - EF Core
Translating LINQ queries into single and split SQL queries with Entity Framework Core
mg3w ago
you can also benchmark different models/queries to see if something will be a performance issue rather than worrying about if it might
CydoOP3w ago
Ok, so then im just over thinking it, cause i get so hyperfixated on trying to write better queries and im like idk how else i can do it cause i needed data from x,y,z table, and i dont wanna use .Select() and map directly into dto's in my repository layer, i wanna leave that for the service layer
mg3w ago
it's not to say that you shouldn't worry about efficient modeling and querying, just that you don't need to obsess over it before it becomes a problem then when it does become a problem, you solve it and keep that knowledge for the next time you're modeling data also a repository over an EF context is an antipattern
CydoOP3w ago
well this is me currently i get hyper fixated on trying to desigh the best database and make good queries thats there are days that i make no progress it feels like lol. im not sure i understand what this means
mg3w ago
you don't need a repository class in fact it's going to cause you pain
CydoOP3w ago
public class CategoryRepository : BaseRepository<Category>, ICategoryRepository
public CategoryRepository(AppDbContext context) : base(context)

public async Task<Category?> GetByNameAsync(string userId, string categoryName)
return await _context.Categories
.FirstOrDefaultAsync(c =>
c.UserId == userId && c.Name.ToLower() == categoryName.ToLower());
public class CategoryRepository : BaseRepository<Category>, ICategoryRepository
public CategoryRepository(AppDbContext context) : base(context)

public async Task<Category?> GetByNameAsync(string userId, string categoryName)
return await _context.Categories
.FirstOrDefaultAsync(c =>
c.UserId == userId && c.Name.ToLower() == categoryName.ToLower());
so this is pointless?
mg3w ago
CydoOP3w ago
get out of town
mg3w ago
inject your context directly and call FirstOrDefaultAsync() right where you need it
CydoOP3w ago
this is how im doing things, i learned from doing a metric fuck ton of udemy courses lol
No description
mg3w ago
if you need to wrap some commonly used functionality so you don't have to keep typing it, you could write a method on the context or an extension method on the DbSet
CydoOP3w ago
I basically did this guys entire course track path, and some of the stuff i dont agree with but its how ive been building everything. https://www.dotnetmastery.com/home/careerPath
mg3w ago
clean architecture 🤮 check out $vsa
mg3w ago
particularly the last video
CydoOP3w ago
Thats how i feel about it, i hate it i came to C# from strictly Js/Ts so just functions everywhere no classes lol
mg3w ago
what, you don't love having to stop and have a philosophical debate with yourself every time you create a new file?
CydoOP3w ago
i have internal wars. then the next day i come back and cchange my mind
mg3w ago
yeah my first real projects were CA because i thought it was the "right" way and you definitely don't have to rewrite this now but next time give VSA a shot and see how much nicer it is also https://discord.com/channels/143867839282020352/169726586931773440/1334646965379792927 for some extra explanation on why repositories over EF are useless
MODiX3w ago
Repositories are usually more generic. A repository would have a GetAll() method, for example, that would either expose an IQueryable or would just fetch the whole database if done incorrectly
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mg3w ago
(the conversation from that message on)
CydoOP3w ago
Yeah this is me, everything ive learned so far has been clean architecture so I got in this mentality where its the right way, and it def makes building things take so much longer i feel. This project is still in the early stages, I built a project management app, https://questbound.xyz/ that was def too ambitious for my first .NET app, so i decided to take it down a peg and do a small generic todo app to really cement everything in that ive learned lol
mg3w ago
damn, took a glance and that looks really nice
CydoOP3w ago
Thanks, i am definitely not a designer and take forever to make things even look pleasable LOL
mg3w ago
i also started a "reference todo app" to try to do something simple really well, but inevitably lost interest it's hard to stay motivated when the project is completely uninteresting lol now i'm a bigger fan of the "make it, make it work, make it work better" mindset
CydoOP3w ago
Even if i lose interest i make point to at least finish my app, ever since i got laid off in August ive felt like a shit developer so im busting my ass lol. I need this mindset, im a make it perfect or dont move on idiot xD
mg3w ago
perfectionism is a bitch
CydoOP3w ago
That questbound app, i got sick of and it was getting too much to manage so i cut out a ton of features g ot it in a working state and deployed it. Better to finish something then to leave it incomplete cause of 'Another feature'
mg3w ago
yeah there's definitely value in just getting something to the point where you can call it done then wrap it up and take what you learned from it into your next project
CydoOP3w ago
exactly, except first project was MVC this project is minimal api. not sure which i prefer yet but minimal api lets me get shit going quicker at least
mg3w ago
i use fastendpoints next project i might give the whole immediate platform a go i.e. immediate.handlers, immediate.apis, etc
CydoOP3w ago
idk what any of those things are lol. i thought i was finally get somewhere, when i was gonna learn design patterns and CQRS and this mediator thing. xD
mg3w ago
immediate.handlers is a mediatr replacement but it uses source generators instead of reflection
mg3w ago
Libraries for building modern, maintainable .NET applications leveraging the Vertical Slice Architecture and Mediator pattern with no boilerplate. Extensible. Fast. Source Generated. Open Source.
Thalnos3w ago
there is three kinds of querying, Eager loading which you have done here, Lazy Loading and Explicite Loading. Check out pros and cons of each that might help you when to use which. I've never used explicite loading and dont really know when to use that honestly but for Eager and Lazy loading, the con of Eager loading is loading the whole data into memory, the con of Lazy Loading is that it can result in too many queries - the N + 1 Queries problem. Generally you should favor Eager loading to not run into slow loading time issues with Lazy Loading but if the loading all data into memory all at once becomes an issue then lazy loading could be beneficial. But do not fall into the trap of preemptive optimization, only try to optimize when you really have a performance issue that needs optimization, otherwise you're just wasting time for nothing 🙂 Lazy Loading can help you not load data into memory that isn't needed, but it results in more queries on the DB, so each approach has pros and cons and is good for certain situations
Angius3w ago
Specifically looking at this code, learn how to use .Select() and prefer it over a bunch of .Include()s
CydoOP3w ago
I had a select before, where i was selecting what i wanted and directly mapping it into a DTO, but then i was doing that in my repository layer, and i decided against it because all my mappings to DTOs are in the service layer.
Angius3w ago
You're discovering the issues that repositories cause lol
CydoOP2w ago
Okay, yeah ik about the types of querying but, im still not at the point where ik when to use which and why etc. I def fall into the preemptive optimization trap, feel like someones gonna come see one of my apps and be like holy this is crap, runs like shit and then move on Oh ive found the issues awhile ago, i just didnt know if i should structure my api's any different till the VSA was mentioned lol Ok, i left this thread open, and i went off to learn more about EF Core and all these little nuances and I have taken one of the queries in my project which was
public async Task<List<TaskList>> GetAllTaskListsInCategoryAsync(int categoryId)
return await _context.TaskLists.Where(t => t.CategoryId == categoryId)
.Include(t => t.TaskListItems)
.Include(t => t.TaskListAssignments)
.ThenInclude(tla => tla.User)
public async Task<List<TaskList>> GetAllTaskListsInCategoryAsync(int categoryId)
return await _context.TaskLists.Where(t => t.CategoryId == categoryId)
.Include(t => t.TaskListItems)
.Include(t => t.TaskListAssignments)
.ThenInclude(tla => tla.User)
and converted it to this
public async Task<List<TaskListOverview>> GetAllTaskListsInCategoryAsync(int categoryId)
return await _context.TaskLists
.Where(t => t.CategoryId == categoryId)
.Select(tl => new TaskListOverview
Id = tl.Id,
Description = tl.Description,
CreatedAt = tl.CreatedAt,
UpdatedAt = tl.UpdatedAt,
Members = tl.TaskListAssignments
.Select(tla => new Members
Id = tla.User.Id,
Name = tla.User.FirstName + " " + tla.User.LastName,
TotalTasksCount = tl.TaskListItems.Count(),
CompletedTasksCount = tl.TaskListItems.Count(q => q.IsCompleted),
TaskCompletionPercentage = tl.TaskListItems.Count() == 0
? 0
: (double)tl.TaskListItems.Count(q => q.IsCompleted) / tl.TaskListItems.Count() * 100
public async Task<List<TaskListOverview>> GetAllTaskListsInCategoryAsync(int categoryId)
return await _context.TaskLists
.Where(t => t.CategoryId == categoryId)
.Select(tl => new TaskListOverview
Id = tl.Id,
Description = tl.Description,
CreatedAt = tl.CreatedAt,
UpdatedAt = tl.UpdatedAt,
Members = tl.TaskListAssignments
.Select(tla => new Members
Id = tla.User.Id,
Name = tla.User.FirstName + " " + tla.User.LastName,
TotalTasksCount = tl.TaskListItems.Count(),
CompletedTasksCount = tl.TaskListItems.Count(q => q.IsCompleted),
TaskCompletionPercentage = tl.TaskListItems.Count() == 0
? 0
: (double)tl.TaskListItems.Count(q => q.IsCompleted) / tl.TaskListItems.Count() * 100
This would be the more performant way to do things now, since I'm only pulling data I need and then this will also allow me to my make mappings easier, since ill just be mapping an object to object 1:1 instead of doing logic like figuring out the TaskCompletionPercentage in my service and then doing a mapping.

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