Pairing Visual Studio (Windows) to a Mac to build an app remotely on the Mac
When I try to connect my Visual Studio to a Mac device I get stuck on the display of the message from my screenshot.
It says the XCode version on the MAC is not compatible with my Visual Studio so it cannot create the pairing.
It prompts me to install version 14.2 of XCode instead of the currently installed 15.2 but I can't do so because the XCode version 14.2 is not compatible with the OS version on the Mac.
So Instead I updated my Visual Studio, hoping that it becomes compatible with currently installed XCode version on the Mac, which leaded me to Build errors in Visual Studio that weren't there prior to updating Visual Studio:
Can you help me solving the Build errors in the other thread I just linked OR suggest me a different approach to make XCode and Visual Studio compatible?
6 replies
❔ GridSplitter like in WPF but in Maui
in WPF there is a GridSplitter control. When using drag & drop on that control you can use it to resize Grid columns and rows around it.
In Maui there is no GridSplitter control but I need one.
The best thing I could find from googling "GridSplitter Maui" is this page
But there is only a communitytoolkit for UWP and WinUI applications, so that would only work in my windows build, but not in my android or ios build from my understanding.
Can anyone help me to get a GridSplitter in my maui app that will work on all the platforms and not just one?
5 replies
❔ Exception Handling
I wonder whether I shall implement differentiated exception handling with detailed custom exceptions such as
only for displaying a more detailed error message in the UI, besides the error message in UI the handling would be the same for all exceptions. Is that reason enough tho? I'm sure the user would be thankful to know as detailed as possible what went wrong, but at the end of the day it wouldn't really change how he interacts with my app, my concern is just about being as transparent as possible what went wrong 🤷♂️ . What do you guys think?120 replies
❔ need help fixing Bug in WPF app
I got code to place windows on the screen where the MainWindow is located by grabbing it's handler. I then set window's top to the handler's top location and same for left. On most devices works as expected, window spawns on top left edge of mainwindow's screen.
However on two clients out of roughly 20, there is a bug.
On those clients, when opening on a certain screen of the three screens they're using, window spawns in nirvana, far more in the top RIGHT than visible. on the other two screen's they're using the window spawns in the center of screen on top rather than left top. On the other 18 clients, whatever screen you use it will always work as expected and spawn on top left edge of mainwindow's screen
Those two clients facing the bugg have the exact same environment as the 18 clients where it works as expected, that is same Hardwares, same OS and same display settings. I'm lost how to debug this.
there is no error in the event viewer.
when you move the window using windows key + arrows it moves into appearance
16 replies
❔ UI freezing in Maui
when I populate a collection with items, let's say 300 of them, the UI gets frozen for around two seconds. The rendering blocks the UI in the way that it cannot be interacted with such as scrolling or minimizing/maximizing.
How can I solve this?
I thought about implementing pagination but here is the thing - First, 300 doesn't seem like many records, does it really require pagination?
And also pagination wouldn't really solve the issue of blocked UI, it would just reduce the two seconds down to an amount that is less annoying.
What should I do?
27 replies
❔ ✅ JWT signatures not working
I took the public and private key as well as the jwtMessage from sample data on I created my own siganture for the token using the private key from their, and tried to verify the signature using the matching public key I took from there. What am I doing wrong?
6 replies
❔ Need help urgently with production app not behaving as expected
this issue is with a WPF app:
is equal to ShutdownMode.OnLastWindowClose
. When I run and debug in Visual Studio it works as expected, upon closing the last window the app shuts down nicely. When I close a window while still having another window open, app keeps running as it should.
in the published app this does not work as expected, closing any window other than the MainWindow causes the app to shutdown even when the MainWindow is still open, the opposite, closing mainwindow while having another window open does not shut down the app
Anyone have a clue whats going on here?6 replies
❔ Need help with publishing
We use click-once deployment. I am using Visual Studio Publish Wizard. I incremented the version number and pressed "Publish".
Visual studio says "Publish Succeeded"
Now upon restarting the application on a client, it successfully installs the new version from our NAS which means publishing has worked.
However the new donloaded version of the app doesn't start, even tho it worked for me before I have published.
All I have as information is this Error Summary here:
As you can see it complains about
1. Exception during store operation
2. file being used by another process
about first error I have no idea what this means, regarding second - I have checked which processes are using the file, there are none...
3 replies
❔ Dynamic sizing of Grid Rows
I am faced with a UI problem in WPF and looking for some ideas on how to deal with it:
I have a grid with 3 rows. a row contains a DataGrid that can be visible or not depending whether it has data. I want to size the rows dynamicly, in respect to how many grid rows have data - that is when there is only one row it shall take full height, when its 3 it should be commonly distributed etc.
My initial approach would be to set the height of these rows to
which will use dynamic sizing in respect to available space and then add or remove rows to grid in the code-behind. I'm just concerned whether this is a good idea because I can imagine that adding and removing rows to a grid at runtime costs a lot.
I could also always use 3 rows and just change the height of those that are empty to 0
those are the two ideas I have. What do you guys think?2 replies
❔ please help fix NullRefException
the setter of Contacts property keeps throwing NullRef and I don't know why. As far as I can see I have implemented the interface exactly how they did in the docs, but I can't see Contact's Age in my UI.
3 replies
❔ DataGrid control in Maui
I am migrating a WPF app to Maui and I have issues translating a WPF <DataGrid> to Maui. There doesn'T seem to be a control that renders a table with columns & rows based on a binded Collection as per this issue
So now what to do? I could try to build this thing myself with ListView tho but that seems like a horrible approach. Another possibility is to include Telerik UI, they have a DataGrid control for Maui but that adds an additional dependency and even costs money for the license, all that for just a single UI component.
I am a little lost on what to do now and its my graduation project so I highly appreciate any help on this
24 replies