Created by Thalnos on 1/27/2025 in #help
βœ… Maui HelloWorld App
ist mir bewusst, ist auch sicher der elegenatere weg aber mir reichts hier in dem context quick and dirty πŸ™‚
32 replies
Created by Thalnos on 1/27/2025 in #help
βœ… Maui HelloWorld App
ne, ist nur aufm heimrechner fΓΌr side projects, macht nix aus wenn ich da was verliere, hab hier nix drauf aufm rechner. Und der code ist natΓΌrlich in git
32 replies
Created by Thalnos on 1/27/2025 in #help
βœ… Maui HelloWorld App
ich weiß aber ich nutze kein d: laufwerk ^^
32 replies
Created by Thalnos on 1/27/2025 in #help
βœ… Maui HelloWorld App
hab neuen user angelegt florianvoss
32 replies
Created by Thalnos on 1/27/2025 in #help
βœ… Maui HelloWorld App
32 replies
Created by Thalnos on 1/27/2025 in #help
βœ… Maui HelloWorld App
32 replies
Created by Thalnos on 1/27/2025 in #help
βœ… Maui HelloWorld App
welp the issue was a non-ascii character in the path
32 replies
Created by sl8er on 1/28/2025 in #help
Binding case-insensitive query parameter to string enum in .NET 9 Minimal API
oh I think I understand why its not working. Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Json.JsonOption holds PropertyNameCaseInsensitive = true but the fields in an enum aren't properties. You can only make property binding case insensitive it seems. Consider changing your enum to a class,record or struct to make it case insensitive
5 replies
Created by sl8er on 1/28/2025 in #help
Binding case-insensitive query parameter to string enum in .NET 9 Minimal API
mhm actually screw that, I'm reading right now that the default model binding in core is case insensitive by default o.O
5 replies
Created by sl8er on 1/28/2025 in #help
Binding case-insensitive query parameter to string enum in .NET 9 Minimal API
I dont think you can make the default modelbinder case insensitive
5 replies
Created by sl8er on 1/28/2025 in #help
Binding case-insensitive query parameter to string enum in .NET 9 Minimal API
5 replies
Created by nathanAjacobs on 1/27/2025 in #help
Prevent Visual Studio from adding NotImplementedException when generating method
Ctrl + L might be something IDE specific that I dont know, but what works across all IDEs to do this is Shift + Delete, that will delete the line your cursor is in
13 replies
Created by nathanAjacobs on 1/27/2025 in #help
Prevent Visual Studio from adding NotImplementedException when generating method
but why? its very helpful to generate the throw new NotImplementedException() because until you've implemented thats exactly what it should do, to point out that it's missing an implementation. If you have empty methods in your code and accidentally forget to edit them then you could run into unexpected behaviours
13 replies
Created by Thalnos on 1/27/2025 in #help
βœ… Maui HelloWorld App
No description
32 replies
Created by Thalnos on 1/27/2025 in #help
βœ… Maui HelloWorld App
ich nutze nicht VS sondern Rider aber das habe ich zugegeben noch nicht probiert
32 replies
Created by Thalnos on 1/27/2025 in #help
βœ… Maui HelloWorld App
die datei bzw der ordner ist ja auch da unter dem angegebenen pfad, keine ahnung warum er es nicht finden kann
32 replies
Created by Thalnos on 1/27/2025 in #help
βœ… Maui HelloWorld App
das war das erste was ich probiert habe aber leider ohne erfolg
32 replies
Created by Thalnos on 1/27/2025 in #help
βœ… Maui HelloWorld App
gets regenerated automatically when you try to run your program
32 replies