C#11mo ago
Florian Voß

❔ DataGrid control in Maui

I am migrating a WPF app to Maui and I have issues translating a WPF <DataGrid> to Maui. There doesn'T seem to be a control that renders a table with columns & rows based on a binded Collection as per this issue https://github.com/dotnet/maui/issues/1259# So now what to do? I could try to build this thing myself with ListView tho but that seems like a horrible approach. Another possibility is to include Telerik UI, they have a DataGrid control for Maui but that adds an additional dependency and even costs money for the license, all that for just a single UI component. I am a little lost on what to do now and its my graduation project so I highly appreciate any help on this
[Enhancement] DataGrid Control · Issue #1259 · dotnet/maui
Summary Please provide a datagrid control.
8 Replies
SinFluxx11mo ago
You could try DevExpress, still an extra dependency but I believe their MAUI controls are free?
Denis11mo ago
The best approach at this point might be hosting blazor in MAUI There are tons of controls available for Blazor, and you can always write your own with ease For now, because maui is not a mature platform
SinFluxx11mo ago
Yeah good point
Florian Voß
Florian Voß11mo ago
I have spoken with my boss and he buys license for me for Telerik UI. So I guess the problem is solved, I'll just use their <DataGrid>. Thank you guys correct me if I'm wrong but .Net Maui with Blazor creates hybrid apps right? That means its a Progressive Webapplication that gets containerized into a native application. On the otherside .Net Maui with XAML builds native application directly without containerising a webapplication into a native application. So the performance should be worse when using Maui with Blazor compared to Maui with XAML right? that was one reason why we chose .Net Maui app opposed to .Net Maui Blazor app. The main reason is that we would have to learn Blazor from scratch, while with XAML we are famiiliar from previous WPF project
Denis11mo ago
I cannot report regarding performance of MAUI+Blazor, but what I can say is that Telerik is kinda meh with performance of their components. Have you done your research of the component vendors? DevExpress from my findings has one of, if not the best components
Florian Voß
Florian Voß11mo ago
not really tbh, the one from Telerik looked good I have not looked at alternatives looking at it now
The DevExpress Mobile UI for .NET MAUI suite includes a collection of iOS and Android UI components. It is available free-of-charge.
it only supports iOS and Android? nah thats not an option I don't see why people would use this, isn't the point of maui to use the same code for all the platforms? I would never voluntarily write platform specific code would I? @Denis
Denis11mo ago
What platforms do you need? I suppose this is for a company project. So, you need to figure out the needs and requirements of the developed product Is there really a need to have a desktop app for win, Mac, linux? Or maybe a PWA is sufficient and you can claim that your app is cloud ready and clients can install it either on-premises or in the cloud Ofc, that primarily applies to B2B
Accord11mo ago
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