✅ Can't start a C# code
I'm trying to make my first code in visual studio code using C# but every time im trying to i get errors like with source from C#. Could anyone help me?
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idk now i tried to run it and it says create a solution folder
im sure im doing something dumb but i cant find in internet how to fix it
You need to run the program from the same folder your csproj is in
How are you trying to run it?
Did you create a new project in visual studio?
i created a new text file
should i create a project?
You need a project
Okay, for C# you can't run files, you have to run projects
ohh alright
Specifically you want a console project in this case
umm how to create a project tho, i already have a folder and i would like to create it in it
Are you using visual studio?
yep, visual studio code
Hmmm, if you're using visual studio code it'll be a bit different from visual studio
Do you have the devkit extension installed?
ye i do have it
$vscode should guide you
Follow the instructions here on getting started with DevKit for C# in VSCode: https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/csharp/get-started
Get started with C# and .NET in Visual Studio Code
Getting Started with C# and .NET Development in Visual Studio Code
Yep, that helped a lot, now it works thanks!
Vs better!!!
Vscode Bad.
Can VS work with unity?
oh alright
Even with godot and all the others :pwetty:
o nice ill download that better then
Unknown User•9mo ago
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