C#•2mo ago
luka anonymo

Help with libraries

Hey, I just " coded " this c++ code using chatgpt and I need a little bit of help, I need help with putting files in folders like: include, lib, and others I dont really understand it. ( Includes are down ). When i put the whole imgui folder into "include" it just extracts it and nothing works. same as for other files. Any help will be appreciated! >> Dont worry about the model folder.. #include <iostream> #include <opencv2/opencv.hpp> #include <onnxruntime/core/session/onnxruntime_cxx_api.h> #include <imgui.h> #include <imgui_impl_glfw.h> #include <imgui_impl_opengl3.h> #include <GLFW/glfw3.h> #include <thread> #include <chrono> #include <atomic> #include <mutex> #include <vector> #include <Windows.h> #include <dwmapi.h>
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6 Replies
leowest•2mo ago
MODiX•2mo ago
We're partnered with Together C & C++, check them out here: https://discord.gg/vnyVmAE
luka anonymo
luka anonymo•2mo ago
oh alright sorry
leowest•2mo ago
yeah different language 😉 hope u understand no need to be sorry
MODiX•2mo ago
If you have no further questions, please use /close to mark the forum thread as answered
Jimmacle•2mo ago
1. this is a C# server, not C++ 2. it will be hard to get help if your project is chatgpt output that you don't understand ree chat jump
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