C#ā€¢10mo ago

MVVM Data Binding across multiple content pages in one application not working (.NET Maui)

*Keep in mind I'm also using the CommunityToolkit.Mvvm package in NuGet Im watching this video on MVVM and binding commands in a class to interact with the user interface and Im confused on why its not working for me. I used the viewmodel of my MainViewModel class and its DataType connected to the class in multiple different contentpages and for some reason its not creating new controls on the collectionview of the target mainpage when I click the button with the binded add command :') Help please? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Qga2pniN78 The overall problem is: The problem is the commands are not properly binding through multiple content pages, and thus the controls I want to be added to the mainpage can't be added for some reason. I have my project on github and I will share it for anyone who wants to look at the problem on why the bindings aren't working. Thanks!
.NET MAUI Data Binding with MVVM & XAML [5 of 8] | .NET MAUI for Be...
Learn more āž”ļø https://learn.microsoft.com/training/paths/build-apps-with-dotnet-maui/ Welcome to the .NET MAUI for Beginners Series where you will learn the basics of building multi-platform apps with .NET MAUI for iOS, Android, macOS, and Windows from a shared C# code base. In this video, James introduces us to the MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) ...
171 Replies
SpReeDā€¢10mo ago
A codesample or a link to your project would be helpful.
MorganIGuessOPā€¢10mo ago
Ok, on my way Git username please?
MorganIGuessOPā€¢10mo ago
GitHub - Morganiscooler/Notepad-Bugged-with-breakpoint-: A randomly...
A randomly generated code keeps popping up and will not let me use the app anymore - Morganiscooler/Notepad-Bugged-with-breakpoint-
MorganIGuessOPā€¢10mo ago
I made it public actually, now you can check for the problems
SpReeDā€¢10mo ago
I'm not an expert for MAUI, but isn't your SwipeView missing a container element for your actual data to display? Besides that I would rather use BindingList over ObservableCollection since it implements IBindingList and it's proxying the INotifyPropertyChanged from it's provided generic type. Also I cannot find any binding to the command, which should be bound to AddCommand (autonaming in communitytoolkit). Plus, I advise to use the attribute [RelayCommand] instead of [ICommand], so the private method Add becomes actually AddCommand and can be bound to, like Command={Binding AddCommand}
MorganIGuessOPā€¢10mo ago
The add command is in the NotePage xaml the only button that exists in notepage's xaml binds to the AddCommand. It also has a on click event that leads back to the home page (Mainpage) What Im trying to do is when you go back to the home page thru the button, not only does it go back to the home page but it binds the newly created note to the collectionview
SpReeDā€¢10mo ago
But that's a different page, with it's very own instance of the viewmodel
MorganIGuessOPā€¢10mo ago
ah how do I tie it into the mainpage? I was thinking mvvm can do something with this, I want to access the controls of another content page with what I previously did with the other content page
SpReeDā€¢10mo ago
Not out of the box, every Window, Page, etc. has it's own instance of a vm and everytime you display a page, it'll be a fresh instance of the page and the vm. Things need to be cached through a manager, like a page manager/navigation manager. Besides, if you wanna use a collection throughout the application, you have some options, the easiest I guess would be to create a static collection and manipulate it, like a singleton collection, here you still have the option to directly bind to the singleton, which gotta be of observable type, or use a regular type like List and display those in an observable type inside the vm. Another approach is through reference from the mainwindows vm.
MorganIGuessOPā€¢10mo ago
Do you have documentation to support your idea? so I can look at some done examples of this
leowestā€¢10mo ago
the way the datacontext works is, if u set a data context in the Window, it will span to all childs unless a child override it with another datacontext and yes if u want to share a collection between multiple pages/vms ideally u want an object in common u can access it from, so u can inject that in the vms and easilly have access to it. Keeping in mind concurrency exists, so if u run into those waters trouble and + code going your way
MorganIGuessOPā€¢10mo ago
So I believe I already have the vm made following the tutorial for MVVM, just put my existing code into there so I can access the common controls? if this works, then will the controls still only exist for the specific contentpages I want them to be on? (Ex: collection view growing only on the mainpage)
SpReeDā€¢10mo ago
Oh, and the third and more MVVM'ish way to achieve this is through services and dependecy injection, in this case a singleton service that lives throughout the applications runtime. I'm more drawn to break some rules of MVVM, for it seems more straight forward to approach things like it in a more traditional way. However, imho, it depends of the scope and the application/project which one to choose from.
MorganIGuessOPā€¢10mo ago
What do you mean by traditional? now im curious The reason I prefer MVVM is because I already have the viewmodel set up and everything šŸ˜…
SpReeDā€¢10mo ago
Oh no, that would result in a long discussion about mvc,mvp & mvvm and, imho, the very thin line that separates those.
MorganIGuessOPā€¢10mo ago
Ok so just stick to mvvm then since I have it prepared and im going down that path ? Also, after u answer that
SpReeDā€¢10mo ago
Well well, let's get it this way, since we separate between layers in MVVM, we have the VM, which is the observable layer. I stick to those observable collections and properties only there and I'm using more generic types like List in the model layer. You might see the problem with this traditional approach, so peeps adds another service layer which is somewhere between the VM and the BL. Things gonna start to become way more complex if you need to have the objects inside a collection to notify the view to refresh, you don't wanna mix up(!) the layers here. But starting with your simple collection of string, you can create a static class called Globals.cs in which you store all the application stuff that's processed throughout the runtime, e.g. List<string> Notes. Accessing it passivly through the VM by creating a new instance of BindingList or ObservableCollection on instancing. Every change made to the collection is made through the singleton and the ObservableCollection is re-created, that also solves the problem of child items not being refreshed in ObservableCollection. But you may wanna try the other ways as well so you can decide for yourself which one fits best in your project.
leowestā€¢10mo ago
or it could be as simple as using https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/communitytoolkit/mvvm/messenger forgot this exist, not sure if its for his use case, but this allows u to communitcate between vms for example. by subscribing on one end and sending something from another end it results in triggering an end in the subscriber
SpReeDā€¢10mo ago
Yet another way to rome šŸ™‚
leowestā€¢10mo ago
But reading all that it sounds like u went wrong somewhere, u shouldn't have the need to trigger a button from a another vm u can definitively have events or means to communicate with each other either by having an instance of it or some other way but not in the form of emulating or wanting to emulate a button click in another place, if u fall in the latter here, then yeah something wrong
MorganIGuessOPā€¢10mo ago
I want the former communication through the content pages is all that i want using what i have which is the MVVM
SpReeDā€¢10mo ago
I think, you need to expand the idea and not just think of the VM and View layer. Since this app is a about some Notes, this means that those will be stored eventually on the disk and loaded on startup. This is all done in BL, and has nothing to do with any VM or View. The scope of that object is global not just bound to the observable layer.
MorganIGuessOPā€¢10mo ago
thats true but right now I can't even get it to store the newly made notes onto the first home page So Im thinking of trying this for now would it be a good idea?
leowestā€¢10mo ago
I haven't look at your code, is 3 am, and on phone so... tmr I will give it a look and see... remember me if I forget
MorganIGuessOPā€¢10mo ago
Yesyes I will šŸ«” gn reminder ^
leowestā€¢10mo ago
what are the files related to the issue ur trying to solve? just so I dont have to re-read everything
MorganIGuessOPā€¢10mo ago
^ I want to bind controls across multiple contentpages using MVVM it's not working though, and I followed .NET maui's tutorial I'm not sure if it is because the data binding can only happen on one content page or if I'm not doing the right action to connect them together After you take a look at my code, could you let me know if this solution is still appropriate to the project?
leowestā€¢10mo ago
what i mean is can u tell which button does not work so I could look at it specifically to tell u what u can do
MorganIGuessOPā€¢10mo ago
Oh yeah CollectionView on mainpage doesn't work at all, NotePage's button is not doing the addcommand when it goes back to the mainpage, and Create_newnote's entry box probably isn't storing the string either
leowestā€¢10mo ago
continue button?
leowestā€¢10mo ago
this page
No description
MorganIGuessOPā€¢10mo ago
click that, then there will be a button called Home
leowestā€¢10mo ago
up to that button its working?
MorganIGuessOPā€¢10mo ago
when you click on home, there is an event action that takes you back to the mainpage, but I also binded the command called AddCommand where it is supposed to automatically add the newly created note, along with the string to the collectionview in the mainpage
leowestā€¢10mo ago
I see
MorganIGuessOPā€¢10mo ago
The entry isn't working right now, it didn't store the string to the collectionview
leowestā€¢10mo ago
just pointing out a few things you are hardly using mvvm your mostly using code behind
MorganIGuessOPā€¢10mo ago
I followed what the guy used in the video, right now just trying to get new collectionview items whenever the addcommand is prompted so yeah its not that complex right now
leowestā€¢10mo ago
I am going thru it slowly as time allows me another huge misconception u have is u believe that creating a new object and assigning things to it will remain across instances it does not for example NotePage notePage = new NotePage(); notePage.Title you literally creating and assinging things to a whole new page in some places u create multiple instances what u want to do is use models not the actual page it self or use the navigation parameters once im done looking and dumping info I will post some code and whatnot just bear with it for a moment
MorganIGuessOPā€¢10mo ago
Thank you so much Yeah I was thinking of making it the same instance instead of different at the end I think I'll put NotePage notePage = new NotePage(); on the very outside not in any of the private voids, so then it should be the same notePage being accessed
leowestā€¢10mo ago
I also have a question, from create new note, u send it to the note page and only then u register it by clicking home is note supposed to be a "View Note page" that u just create? if so then u should be actually creating it from the create page and redirecting it to the View Note page
MorganIGuessOPā€¢10mo ago
Yeah I think so I want the user to be able to type all over it then it automatically gets stored on the mainpage's collection view, to then be clicked on later and viewed based on whatever was saved when they click back to home
leowestā€¢10mo ago
ok so the Add button should actually be on the create page instead, something like Create and view note... which goes to Note Page and then u have a back button or go back to home button or w/e
MorganIGuessOPā€¢10mo ago
Ok So the continue button should be binded to the addcommand
leowestā€¢10mo ago
yeah and the last action of it could be a navigation to view page in order for the MainViewModel to span thru all pages the way ur working u also need to add the pages to your DI
leowestā€¢10mo ago
No description
leowestā€¢10mo ago
which means no more creating instances and the navigation changes a bit i.e.:
await Shell.Current.GoToAsync("///MainPage");
await Shell.Current.GoToAsync("///MainPage");
or if u need to pass a parameter
await Shell.Current.GoToAsync($"///ViewNote?title={title}");
await Shell.Current.GoToAsync($"///ViewNote?title={title}");
which u dont actually need to because the mainviewmodel is shared so u can technically access Title from any of them
MorganIGuessOPā€¢10mo ago
Cool, navigation goes last always gotcha
leowestā€¢10mo ago
yes for example
private async void Add()
int count = 0;
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Title))
Items.Add($"New note({count})");

//adds the item to the MainPage's viewmodel
await Shell.Current.GoToAsync($"///MainPage");
Title = string.Empty;
private async void Add()
int count = 0;
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Title))
Items.Add($"New note({count})");

//adds the item to the MainPage's viewmodel
await Shell.Current.GoToAsync($"///MainPage");
Title = string.Empty;
also count needs to be outside the method here or it will be always 1 u also need to add you pages to the navigation
<ShellContent Title="Create New Note! šŸ“"
ContentTemplate="{DataTemplate local:Create_NewNote}"
Route="CreateNewNote" />

<ShellContent Title="View Note! šŸ“"
ContentTemplate="{DataTemplate local:NotePage}"
Route="ViewNote" />
<ShellContent Title="Create New Note! šŸ“"
ContentTemplate="{DataTemplate local:Create_NewNote}"
Route="CreateNewNote" />

<ShellContent Title="View Note! šŸ“"
ContentTemplate="{DataTemplate local:NotePage}"
Route="ViewNote" />
MorganIGuessOPā€¢10mo ago
Should there be a MainViewModel vm class being passed in the parameters of each page's main()?
leowestā€¢10mo ago
yes u would have something like u have in the MainPage
MorganIGuessOPā€¢10mo ago
since there's multiple pages being used, or should it only be for the mainpage Ok, gotcha so repeat for each page since im using all the content pages
leowestā€¢10mo ago
No description
MorganIGuessOPā€¢10mo ago
would the line highlighted be useless here for navigating back to the homepage or should I keep it
No description
leowestā€¢10mo ago
all the 3 lines are useless from the highlighted and above they also make no sense
MorganIGuessOPā€¢10mo ago
but the original mainpage contained vm as a parameter so i would need to pass it again
leowestā€¢10mo ago
creating a new instance of MainViewModel means a clean mainviewmodel that has no idea what has happened before in the constructor the constructor is when the object is created BackHome is not a constructor its an event that arbritrary happens after the page was created and when u press something
MorganIGuessOPā€¢10mo ago
whats the alternative way to not create a new instance but to use the original preexisting mainpage as the directory?
leowestā€¢10mo ago
there is no alternative u do it the same way its being done in the MainPage you do it via the page constructor do u know what a constructor is?
MorganIGuessOPā€¢10mo ago
Sorry no I might though if you can tell me what contentpage or class you're referring to
leowestā€¢10mo ago
https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/programming-guide/classes-and-structs/constructors give a look here and then answer it and then I will explain further
MorganIGuessOPā€¢10mo ago
Btw I tried but the ICommand above is giving it an error
leowestā€¢10mo ago
I am sure it will, in the navigation part if u dont have the appshell.xaml properly set like I said above but focus on the link above
MorganIGuessOPā€¢10mo ago
Yeah I added those, appshell should be ok for now According to the documentation, a constructor is called when a class is created. It allows the programmer to set default values, limit instantiation, and make code easily to read and flexible to change
leowestā€¢10mo ago
ok but what piece of code from say NotePage is the constructor
MorganIGuessOPā€¢10mo ago
I think an example in my mvvm case would be the auto generated code from the Icommand generator right?
leowestā€¢10mo ago
no look at the page I gave u above it have examples with code and all
MorganIGuessOPā€¢10mo ago
ur talking on the documentation and not the content pages right
leowestā€¢10mo ago
yes the documentation above constructors it has the information and examples but I want the answer based on your NotePage.xaml.cs file to make sure u understood what its talking about let me see if there is a better resource about constructors moment https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/c-sharp-constructors/
MorganIGuessOPā€¢10mo ago
public NotePage(){}
leowestā€¢10mo ago
post the actual code its not just that from the NotePage.xaml.cs and then post me the one from MainPage.xaml.cs
MorganIGuessOPā€¢10mo ago
public NotePage(MainViewModel vm)
BindingContext = vm;
// The background color will be whatever the user picked from the previous contentpage
// in Create_NewNote.cs

public NotePage(MainViewModel vm)
BindingContext = vm;
// The background color will be whatever the user picked from the previous contentpage
// in Create_NewNote.cs

leowestā€¢10mo ago
MorganIGuessOPā€¢10mo ago
the comments are just plans you may ignore them
leowestā€¢10mo ago
that's fine I just needed to make sure we are on the thing so u know that šŸ‘† and u know in code what is the constructor and u already made the changes to make it look like the MainPage one (MainViewModel vm) this is a parameter and also a dependency NotePage requires to work
MorganIGuessOPā€¢10mo ago
public MainPage(MainViewModel vm)
Notes.BackgroundColor = CreateColor();
BindingContext = vm;


public MainPage(MainViewModel vm)
Notes.BackgroundColor = CreateColor();
BindingContext = vm;


leowestā€¢10mo ago
and DependencyInjection fullfills those dependencies that's why u register them in your MauiProgram.cs so that those dependencies can be resolved
MorganIGuessOPā€¢10mo ago
Alright so thats why you sent that screenshot here right, because I added these
leowestā€¢10mo ago
exactly there is a lot more to it, but I wont get much into details for now as its not needed but there is a lot more behind it that u should look up later and learn u should also go thru some fundamentals c# course because a lot of the fundamentals is very important to know so u are not lost
MorganIGuessOPā€¢10mo ago
Is notepage's constructor passing in the correct parameter? It should still be the mainviewmodel I believe
leowestā€¢10mo ago
what happens is
MorganIGuessOPā€¢10mo ago
Ok, for now Im focused on this if you dont mind I'll definetly go there later
leowestā€¢10mo ago
Dependency Injection have a collection of those instances created and when u have a constructor that requires one it will provide it with one based on what it has, in this case it has a Singleton, which technically means a unique instance that will live thru the app lifecycle in short so whenever the constructor asks for MainViewModel it will provide the only one instance of it that exists in your app if u create a new instance outside of the register service it will be a new and completely different instance of it
leowestā€¢10mo ago
leowestā€¢10mo ago
brief video on DI
MorganIGuessOPā€¢10mo ago
which is why I need to delete the new instance being passed into the already existing mainpage and use the one we made in mauiapp right?
leowestā€¢10mo ago
which one?
MorganIGuessOPā€¢10mo ago
the three lines you said were useless
leowestā€¢10mo ago
yes exactly and also why I use the GoToAsync which is able to go thru the existing registered pages in the routing šŸ‘†
MorganIGuessOPā€¢10mo ago
Ohhhh wait so just add the routing into the nav asynch function
leowestā€¢10mo ago
huh? brb food
MorganIGuessOPā€¢10mo ago
Oh wait go to asynch is the function you would use for the route since the route already exists in the appshell Im using nav.pushasynch() right now '
leowestā€¢10mo ago
yeah u would be using gotoasync I gave some examples of how above
MorganIGuessOPā€¢10mo ago
where are the examples? got it For the notepage's back home button though, should I sitll use a navigation push asynch since I want it to go back to the main page for the example you showed above it appears to just automatically add it to the mainpage's directory, which I do need but navigation here is also wanted
leowestā€¢10mo ago
just to explain the way its done in the video is not wrong, but imo this fit better the way your going about navigation and using the view model. normally you have viewmodel per page not shared like that
MorganIGuessOPā€¢10mo ago
Whats the alternative to the home button? does it need to use the shell navigation method aswell? or can I just use my per usual mainpage class im assuming shell method because it needs to store the new note data right
leowestā€¢10mo ago
u can't use your per usual mainPage that is used for when u create a new object u would just do
await Shell.Current.GoToASync("///MainPage");
await Shell.Current.GoToASync("///MainPage");
Push and Pop are used to include a new page into the stack
MorganIGuessOPā€¢10mo ago
Ok so by this logic for the other 2 content pages when they need to navigate to the next page, it would also require shell right? because its continuous? mainpage --> create new page --> note page --> back to mainpage
leowestā€¢10mo ago
more like
- MainPage
- CreateNote
- ViewNote
- MainPage
- CreateNote
- ViewNote
As your current tree stands if u further add a tab then it could be for example
- MainPage
- CreateNote
- Notes
- View
- Edit
- MainPage
- CreateNote
- Notes
- View
- Edit
where notes is the tab
MorganIGuessOPā€¢10mo ago
True for navigation purposes though are we still using await Shell.Current.GoToAsync so it doesn't become a new instance everytime?
leowestā€¢10mo ago
yes unless at some point u absolutely want something shortlived where u PushAsync a new page and then u hit the back button its removed and what was done on it lost https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/maui/fundamentals/shell/navigation?view=net-maui-8.0 and https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/maui/user-interface/pages/navigationpage?view=net-maui-8.0
MorganIGuessOPā€¢10mo ago
so ill make a new shell async function to whatever control is binded to the next page button in the content page, within the viewmodel correct?
leowestā€¢10mo ago
new shell? ur not making a new shell
MorganIGuessOPā€¢10mo ago
the function that navigates to the next page gotoasynch i forget the function names
leowestā€¢10mo ago
you're just calling the statically available instance of Shell
MorganIGuessOPā€¢10mo ago
leowestā€¢10mo ago
that is why fundamentals are important to know
MorganIGuessOPā€¢10mo ago
so this wouldn't work?
No description
leowestā€¢10mo ago
if the Route is named CreateNewNote it would but if u copy pasted what I posted above I dont have the
MorganIGuessOPā€¢10mo ago
Ah lol ok
leowestā€¢10mo ago
I use c# naming convention for the most part so I would not name files with _ etc
MorganIGuessOPā€¢10mo ago
So now I have this I just have to search for the bindable command, then bind it to the button I want to bind it to right
MorganIGuessOPā€¢10mo ago
Yeah because i used icommand it automatically generates a command for going to the desired page i guess
leowestā€¢10mo ago
u mean add the command to the button?
MorganIGuessOPā€¢10mo ago
leowestā€¢10mo ago
yes it generates ToCreationPageCommand if u hover your mouse over ICommand it explains what it does also u seem to be using an old version of MVVM Toolkit these days it uses RelayCommand instead of ICommand
MorganIGuessOPā€¢10mo ago
eh to follow the tutorial i had to go back to 8.0.3 I realized but then if i update it i have to change it Also question: when I click the lets get started/add new note button on the main page (they're supposed to be one instance ill change that), should it create a new instance with a navigation.pushasync method or use the shell method which will store the progress being made? because for each new note created, it has to be a new note being created, but the new note needs to be saved
leowestā€¢10mo ago
its minor changes from what u have in your code but sure
MorganIGuessOPā€¢10mo ago
what do you mean
leowestā€¢10mo ago
well you wipe the text of the create new note once u add it so should be fine to reuse it without create a new
MorganIGuessOPā€¢10mo ago
Ok sounds good im binding the command then I deleted the old click event for each of these buttons by the way to avoid creating the new instances as you said So it would also be a smart idea to use shell's gotoasync for the actual notepage because I'm making the notepage on the creation page, then the selected items transfer through shell?
leowestā€¢10mo ago
sure but u would want to pass a parameter to it so it know which item to load because I assume it will be more than just a title at some point which in this case u would be using a model
MorganIGuessOPā€¢10mo ago
Like if the note contained an image or something?
leowestā€¢10mo ago
I mean I dont know but looking at this I can see a title, a color, a font size at the very minimum
MorganIGuessOPā€¢10mo ago
Got it Now the collection view is growing What do you mean by parameter? as in like, the name of the new note so it knows the keywords to finding it?
leowestā€¢10mo ago
šŸ‘† šŸ‘† this page further down also explain how to use it imagine u have 100 notes if u pass the id as parameter then I know u only want that specific note if u pass the title and 2 titles are the exact the same how does it know which?
MorganIGuessOPā€¢10mo ago
Oh yeah I need this especially for a search function im going for wait so if I pass in the id into the parameters automatically, then the search engine should also be able to look for the specific note based off its keywords right?
leowestā€¢10mo ago
this has nothing to do with search engine its a parameter ur passing down to your page I want note with id 1 then in your page u have logic to pull note with id 1 from your database or where ever that comes from
MorganIGuessOPā€¢10mo ago
Alright, I'll try doing that and update you on how it goes just for reference though I do want the id to be literally searchable if that works
leowestā€¢10mo ago
that is logic u will write for ur search whether it looks up the title or id or image or w/e property u want to lookup
MorganIGuessOPā€¢10mo ago
Ah alright Also, is it possible to maybe change the title of the NotePage to the text entered in the entry on the creation page? I could probably do something with the notepage's title and the Text but im unsure how the title can be accessed for shell pages
leowestā€¢10mo ago
no idea, maybe bind the Title of the content page
MorganIGuessOPā€¢10mo ago
Alright Ty for the help im gonna rest for a bit and come back to work on it Is there a way to add spacing in between the newly added collection view items? I want some spacing inbetween the rows I know of
but it can't be used with
it seems?
leowestā€¢10mo ago
that's why u use a datatemplate its used so you can define what u want the entries to look like u missed part of it from the video u watch and only added the swipe u can have grid, among other elements in a datatemplate
leowestā€¢10mo ago
Data templates - .NET MAUI
.NET MAUI data templates provide the ability to define the presentation of data on supported controls. Data templates can be chosen at runtime, using a DataTemplateSelector, based on the value of a data-bound property.
leowestā€¢10mo ago
leowestā€¢10mo ago
Populate a CollectionView with Data - .NET MAUI
A .NET MAUI CollectionView is populated with data by setting its ItemsSource property to any collection that implements IEnumerable.
MorganIGuessOPā€¢10mo ago
Thanks I'll check these out when I'm home Oh I see the person used a padding of 0,5 in the grid ah There's a problem where each time I create a new note, for some reasons it creates two or more notes when it should just be one note being created. Why does this happen?
leowestā€¢10mo ago
most likely because you're inserting it twice or doing some behavior that makes it look like so
leowestā€¢10mo ago
No description
leowestā€¢10mo ago
inserting twice
MorganIGuessOPā€¢10mo ago
Thanks šŸ‘ Is there a way to connect a command to the swipe view? I want to click on each newly created note that appears in the collectionview, and for them to open to respective note it has saved. I want to then be able to swipe left on each newly created note in the collection view, then be able to delete/favorite the notes.
leowestā€¢10mo ago
SwipeView - .NET MAUI
The .NET MAUI SwipeView is a container control that wraps around an item of content, and provides context menu items that are revealed by a swipe gesture.
leowestā€¢10mo ago
it shows how to do all that in there the MAUI documentation is really good u should research a bit about the controls you're using so u understand it better
MorganIGuessOPā€¢10mo ago
Does swipeview work for windows Because I searched it up and it says for touch only and not cursor In that case would 3 dots with the option of deleting the note be better since this is a primarily windows focused app?
leowestā€¢10mo ago
all u have to do is run the app and try and if it does not work then all u have to do is remove it and add buttons to your datatemplate or something else
MorganIGuessOPā€¢10mo ago
Yeah I think I'll switch out the swipeviews for buttons Im thinking of deleting the "Let's get started!" button when the first item (note) gets added to the mainpage, is there a way you can directly delete a button control from the mainpage xaml when the items are being added in the mainviewmodel.cs? The reason I ask this is because: when I move the "let's get started!" Button into the collection view, I can no longer access the button's x:Name, and therefore the function that allows the button to randomly change colors won't work How do I organize it in the collection view so it can still access the function, while being able to be removed when new items are added into the collection view?
leowestā€¢10mo ago
u wouldn't place the lets start in the collectionview its not part of it u could use a collapsible grid or something that when items.count > 0 it hides the lets start
MorganIGuessOPā€¢10mo ago
Oh collapse grid is a thing? Let me look at the documentation How would the collapsible grid be accessible since x:Name wouldn't be in the mainviewmodel? Or are you saying Items can still be accessed in the code behind the mainpage, where x:Name is used
leowestā€¢10mo ago
MorganIGuessOPā€¢10mo ago
With binding, you can also access the property of the let's get started button? So then I could do like button.hide
leowestā€¢10mo ago
you could yes
MorganIGuessOPā€¢9mo ago
Relative bindings - .NET MAUI
.NET MAUI relative bindings are created with the RelativeSource markup extension, which sets the binding source relative to the position of the binding target.
Data binding basics - .NET MAUI
.NET MAUI data bindings allow properties of two objects to be linked so that a change in one causes a change in the other.
MorganIGuessOPā€¢9mo ago
I know I need to data bind to the Isvisible property, and it can only be executed upon items.count > 0 But the x:Name "Notes" is inaccessible and the articles above seem to be talking about relative databinding, like controls controlling other controls within the same page Im not sure how to access Notes in short
leowestā€¢9mo ago
I dont see why u would need that also in MVVM which ur not properly using u never use x:Name its all via bindinds, commands, bahaviors, dps
MorganIGuessOPā€¢9mo ago
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/58786536/xamarin-hide-the-button-if-condition-is-false I found this, but Im wondering how I can adjust it so when the Items.count > 0 it hides the button itself?
Stack Overflow
Xamarin: Hide the button if condition is false
I am new to Xamarin Forms. I want to know how to hide a button if a specific condition is false. ex: I need to hide the submit button until the text field has a value. (if the text field is null,
leowestā€¢9mo ago
Binding="{Binding Items.Count}" Value="0"
MorganIGuessOPā€¢9mo ago
I created this function below:
private int MaxNoteNum()
List<int> items = new List<int>() {};
int num = 0;
items = items.Where(x => x > 0).ToList();
return items.Count;
private int MaxNoteNum()
List<int> items = new List<int>() {};
int num = 0;
items = items.Where(x => x > 0).ToList();
return items.Count;
I'm trying to set the value where for any value > 0, it deletes the button, but for some reason even though I bind this function to the value, it still does not delete the button
leowestā€¢9mo ago
why, u can just use the above if Items.Count is 0 the button stays if not it gets collapsed also was this chatgpt generated? that looks super weird
MorganIGuessOPā€¢9mo ago
no I copied it from stack overflow
<!--Value="{Binding MaxNoteNum}">-->
Binding="{Binding ItemsSource.Count, Source={Reference NoteList}, FallbackValue=0}"
<Setter Property="IsVisible" Value="True" />
<!--Value="{Binding MaxNoteNum}">-->
Binding="{Binding ItemsSource.Count, Source={Reference NoteList}, FallbackValue=0}"
<Setter Property="IsVisible" Value="True" />
I have this but the button doesn't get removed whats wrong with this?
leowestā€¢9mo ago
<DataTrigger TargetType="Button" Binding="{Binding Items.Count}" Value="0">
<Setter Property="IsVisible" Value="True" />
<DataTrigger TargetType="Button" Binding="{Binding Items.Count}" Value="0">
<Setter Property="IsVisible" Value="True" />
MorganIGuessOPā€¢9mo ago
thats not working for me
leowestā€¢9mo ago
u probably need to set the button to start in collapsed visibility
MorganIGuessOPā€¢9mo ago
I did that and it first removed the button, then after I started creating the notes the button came up When I set the value to 0 and create a new note, the button is still there afterwards therefore shouldn't creating an int function that returns all the values greater than 0 be the best choice for setting a value? if not, could you take a look at this problem please? I have no idea where it went wrong šŸ˜…
leowestā€¢9mo ago
leowestā€¢9mo ago
<Button Text="Let's get started" Margin="0,10,0,0" IsVisible="Hidden">
<DataTrigger TargetType="Button" Binding="{Binding Items.Count}" Value="0">
<Setter Property="IsVisible" Value="True" />
<Button Text="Let's get started" Margin="0,10,0,0" IsVisible="Hidden">
<DataTrigger TargetType="Button" Binding="{Binding Items.Count}" Value="0">
<Setter Property="IsVisible" Value="True" />
leowestā€¢9mo ago
leowestā€¢9mo ago
I am sorry but I will be blunt here as much as I want to help you, you need to properly learn c# and stop trying to copy paste code that u think that solves your problem and will just plug and play to your code... This code for example that u said u copied from stackoverflow that u have no idea what it does...
No description
leowestā€¢9mo ago
it doesn't even use Items which is your list of items to get the count out of it and I doubt u understand it yourself, its a mix of creating a new list to return a list of ints to use linq to see which item inside the list is the biggest and at the end it just uses the count to return the information which is not even using anything outside that block of code. so I suggest u go back to the bottom and learn c# https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/shows/csharp-fundamentals-for-absolute-beginners/ as much as it hurts me, this was my last contribution here, I am not doing research and writing code for u to complete your app
MorganIGuessOPā€¢9mo ago
I'll look at the documentation, thank you It's been a while since I've done C# so I definitely need to look back at the fundamentals šŸ„²but thank you for the help, I greatly appreciate it

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