C#6mo ago

P/Invoke boolean call always returns true in Release builds

I have a simple boolean function in a native C++ DLL (for keyboard input in my case), which I P/Invoke from C#. In debug builds, everything works fine. But in a release build (of both the C# and C++ projects), the C# side always receives true from the P/Invoke call, even when the native side returns false. I've checked my build settings but I can't figure out what is happening here- any recommendations for how to debug this or what could be the potential cause? For reference - my code looks a little bit something like this: C++:
bool sb_IsKeyDown(int key)
return keyboardState[key];
bool sb_IsKeyDown(int key)
return keyboardState[key];
[DllImport(DLL_NAME, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
private static extern bool sb_IsKeyDown(int key); // Returns true when it shouldn't in Release builds.
[DllImport(DLL_NAME, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
private static extern bool sb_IsKeyDown(int key); // Returns true when it shouldn't in Release builds.
Please ping me on reply, thank you!
9 Replies
reflectronic6mo ago
you are not marshalling the bool correctly bool in a P/Invoke is a 4 byte bool this means that whatever garbage is left in the upper bits of the return register can cause the marshaller to treat it as true use [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.I1)]
NolramOP6mo ago
Oh are native bools and managed bools not the same data?
reflectronic6mo ago
no, it's because by default bool is marshaled as the Win32 struct BOOL which is 4 bytes
NolramOP6mo ago
Ohhh yeah that makes sense... I keep forgetting the C ABI has no concept of a bool
reflectronic6mo ago
bool did not exist in C in 1985
NolramOP6mo ago
Yeah that makes sense actually, not sure why I didn't anticipate that
reflectronic6mo ago
and someone chose to implement it as typedef int BOOL; and that's how it has been since
NolramOP6mo ago
I see - thank you for the help and apologies for my stupidity.
Petris6mo ago
someone at MS that is

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