C#5mo ago

c# beginner

so i noticed a few videos talking about job requirements and atuff, those that get accepted usually have a whole list of languages they know, so i guess my question id what i should be learning next / along with c#? from a fairly new beginner
50 Replies
depends on what position you want to work, if you want to be fullstack then youll have to learn html/css/js and stuff
unluqyOP5mo ago
just backend , i treid html css and js but didnt really find a passion for it the same as i do with backend
Pobiega5mo ago
If you are going for pure backend, I heavily recommend learning SQL in addition to deeply learning C# and the .NET ecosystem even if using something like EF Core, its useful to know SQL so you can troubleshoot bad queries or know what indexes to create etc
Regex5mo ago
C#/Entity Framework/SQL/Angular or React or Vue.js for web dev/Git knowledge If your goal is find job look at requirements on most jobs in your location, make top of requirements and learn them :)
unluqyOP5mo ago
sorry what did you mean by "make top of requirements"? thanks for the info rho! (:
Regex5mo ago
which requirements you see the most
unluqyOP5mo ago
thaanks! for sql will i need to download anything? im ising visual studio rn for c# ohh okay
Regex5mo ago
for SQL you need SQL server and SMSS (sql management studio)
unluqyOP5mo ago
right, how do i like pull all of them together in the same project if im using different apps for them? also i might be silly but is react and vue.js the backend for web dev? since im real ass at frontend
Regex5mo ago
about sql first try to write some queries in SMSS , understand how does it works, how to create databases/tables/columns how to select update delete values etc then you can connect it with code via entity framework in C# or ADO.NET frontend at least in my region in most cases there are demand for fullstack devs, i don't know your market demand :)
unluqyOP5mo ago
ohh would i still need to be good to use react or vue.js? good at html, css and js*
Regex5mo ago
in my opinion, you should be very good at C# and SQL, and only be able to write or understand something written in FE
unluqyOP5mo ago
Regex5mo ago
at the start ofc
unluqyOP5mo ago
i did try html and css, i could interpret most of it i just had it break at different viewports but im guessing for backend i dont need to concern myself woth that? only wiht like understanding whats happening
Regex5mo ago
did you mean frontend?
unluqyOP5mo ago
no as in, as a backend dev id only have to understand whats happening on the webpage instead of how everything looks visually? if that makes more sense
Regex5mo ago
over all, in my opinion, you should be more focused on one path like backend with C# and SQL. Other things you should be able to work with without very deep knowledge of them so later you can catch those skills depending on your actual job description
unluqyOP5mo ago
ohh okay! thanks a bunch man (:
Regex5mo ago
take care ;)
unluqyOP5mo ago
you too
Pobiega5mo ago
SQL is just a language for "talking" with relational databases. You will need a database (mssql, PostgreSQL etc) and a client program Each database has its own "dialect" of SQL, so a MSSQL query wont always look exactly like a postgres one, or a mysql one, or a sqlite one etc I highly recommend Postgres and/or MSSQL, avoid MySQL like the plague.
unluqyOP5mo ago
wdym talking to databases? also whats a client program? is that what you use to check what type of dialect the database is as in a postgres database will have a postgres client program?
Pobiega5mo ago
a database (engine) like postgres/mssql etc is its own program it runs on its own, and your program talks to it via SQL a client program is a way to connect to a database and browse the data, either visually or via sql commands
unluqyOP5mo ago
ohhh what client programs would you recommend?
Pobiega5mo ago
depends on what database engine for mssql, SSMS is the standard I really like DataGrip from jetbrains, but its not free
unluqyOP5mo ago
ohh technically would any program work?
Pobiega5mo ago
Sure There are several for each engine
unluqyOP5mo ago
ih okay! which one would be tood for postgres?
Pobiega5mo ago
These are the ones postgre themselves recommend
unluqyOP5mo ago
thanks a bunch! what kinda projects would i use both c# and sql for?
Pobiega5mo ago
anything with persistance, meaning permanent data storage especially for multiple users, like a website
unluqyOP5mo ago
ohh okay
TizzyT5mo ago
in terms of programming language, cant go wrong id say with learning python. Personally dont like the language but everywhere ive worked uses it so theres that going for it.
unluqyOP5mo ago
also wait would i need to know frontend for this? like html css and js im also having trouble understanding the docs, i went to c sharp docs for a table because i want to make a 15x15 gameboard for my game but i dont understand most of this language, stuff like openXLElement etc is there any better way or do i just need to suck it up honestly i could just make it a 2D array instead but would face the same problem with the docs
Pobiega5mo ago
If you want to make a website, yes. But you can use databases with any project type, including console apps. But backend developers today often do web apis that use databases.
unluqyOP5mo ago
dooes rhis mean they dont code the frontend?
Pobiega5mo ago
both options exist I spend 95% of my time working on a web api for a big SPA website I never ever touch the frontend I do however very often talk with the frontend devs to explain how the backend works, or how certain data is calculated/sourced then there are "fullstack" devs that do both
unluqyOP5mo ago
ohh yeah that sounds perfect haha what are web apis then? sorry if thats a silly question
Pobiega5mo ago
example: https://pokeapi.co/ go here, scroll down to "try it now" thats what a web api is its a "website" that just talks data it gets data in, it sends data out no design, no css, html, javascript https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/pokemon/ditto this is a web api request/response when you click the link, you make the request and you get a response
unluqyOP5mo ago
ohhh yeah i sorta played woht that in class we VERY briefly used google's location api to find places is there anything i can do about this? i also keep seeing stuff like "recursive backtracking" and "tabulation" what do these mean and whats the term for them called so i can learn tehm? (i keep getting videos of people saying you NEED them for coding jobs) (sorry for all these questions btw)
Pobiega5mo ago
backtracking is mostly used in machine learning, so not something I would bother with at all if I were you
Tabulation is the systematic and logical representation of figures in rows and columns to ease comparison and statistical analysis
so uh... honestly, would need more context its just putting data in a row/col grid
unluqyOP5mo ago
ohh okay ^
Pobiega5mo ago
I don't understand the question you mention a "table" but without context (such as project type or a link to the actual type) that doesnt say much. as for how to read official docs, I don't really see the issue? They state what properties and methods a class has, and often contain examples on how its used
unluqyOP5mo ago
I'm making a game and was thinking a table or grid sounded good for the gameboard to store values in them but after reading their msdn i coudltn figure out if they'd be less or more suitable than a 2D array just looping through each element and displaying the gameboard tile for that spot if that makes any more sense
Pobiega5mo ago
what is a table or a grid here? those things dont have a globally unique meaning in the same way as "array" or "2d array" do Like, when I do Advent of Code or similar I very often define my own Grid<T> class. There is no System.Grid type
unluqyOP5mo ago
yeah the grid class, sorry it was unclear
Pobiega5mo ago
But there is no "standard" grid class thats what I'm trying to say like, WPF has a class called Grid, but that is a WPF specific thing and doesnt mean anything for someone not using WPF but string is always string, and an array is always an array. Those you can usually just say without providing context, but thats not true for things like "table" or "grid"
unluqyOP5mo ago
oh! i didnt realise it was just for WPF, i sorta just googled grid c# msdn and clicked on the first thing, thats my bad sorry also anotehr questrion., relating the array / gamebaord i wanna make, how would i make it so the 2d array fitsi nside the rectangle i want to display on screen / fills all 15x15 gaps

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