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im working on a design that uses a frame to show different pages, im having trouble figuring out how to make a page that can switch to a different page without using buttons on the main form.
any help would be apricated
12 Replies
However you are showing a page on that frame, can you not just show a different page on that frame without use of a button?
on start i have a greeting page and on that page i was wanting a button to take you to the next/main page
Then place a button onto the page that navigates to the next page on click 🤷♂️
Do you have a specific problem that stops you from achieving this?
ive got no clue how to code it, thats what im trying to figure out
im not sure how to find the frame in the window to change the navigation
Are you using a UI framework or just coding this from scratch?
from scratch
Have you considered using a UI Framework? They offer a lot of stuff you will need
whats one i should try, and would i have to rewrite everything? ive already got the coding done for the window buttons to change tabs
whats one i should tryI'd suggest AvaloniaUI or Maui for crossplatform, WPF or WinUI for windows only
would i have to rewrite everythingI guess so but I dont know what you have and what you need. However you will be much faster with solving your problems because a lot of this you are writing has already been written by them and you can just use it
alright thanks
Unknown User•3w ago
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