C#2mo ago

✅ Difference between explicit and implicit operators

Hello there. What's the difference between defining an implicit and explicit operator? I would like to know the difference between
public static implicit operator JsonValue(JsonArray jarray) => jarray.AsJsonValue();
public static implicit operator JsonValue(JsonArray jarray) => jarray.AsJsonValue();
public static explicit operator JsonValue(JsonArray jarray) => jarray.AsJsonValue();
public static explicit operator JsonValue(JsonArray jarray) => jarray.AsJsonValue();
8 Replies
Angius2mo ago
It's in the docs
Jimmacle2mo ago
basically, whether it happens implicitly or explicitly
Angius2mo ago
But tl;dr would be
var n = new MyNumber();
int a = n; // implicit
int b = (int)n; // explicit
var n = new MyNumber();
int a = n; // implicit
int b = (int)n; // explicit
cypherpotato2mo ago
oh, I see. explicit operators requires the casting syntax
Angius2mo ago
Assuming MyNumber has cast operators to int
cypherpotato2mo ago
thank you
viceroypenguin2mo ago
don't forget to $close
MODiX2mo ago
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