✅ Clarification on VSA
Been watching a ton of videos and reading a bunch of VSA and I'm still a bit confused, does VSA eliminate the need for multiple projects in a solution?
For example this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C4XSAp4Fkqo everything appears to be in one project, but then I've seen examples split among multiple projects, and even everything just inside of one file per "feature".
Hubert Mijalski
How to design & create .NET API in 2022
Exploring the Vertical Slice architecture in practice by taking advantage of .NET Minimal APIs.
Organizing your code into modules that are fully self-contained can be extremely beneficial and allow you to deliver product quickly, without closing the door to microservices later down the road.
Repo link: https://github.com/Mijalski/MinimalApiTut...
7 Replies
Technically there is no need for multiple projects in most solutions
But no, VSA doesn't eliminate it as a good practice
Let's say you're making a web API. It would still be advantageous to have your request/response objects in their own project, as then that project can be referenced to make a client library without needing to reference everything else in your project
Okay so in my case, i have a Domain project and the only thing in there are all the different types for my database, and then i have a Application project where I'm trying to use VSA where i have a features directory where i have a specific folder per feature and inside of that folder, i have for example the command and query and dto and handler etc all related to that feature, and then finally I have an Infrastructure project that is for my repositorys/database conext and w.e configurations i may have like data base seeding
Still feels like clean architecure though, im just using a features like folder instead of making services and iservices.
it sounds like clean architecture
especially the repositories
for instance, i have a project for my database entities and context, another project for 3rd party services, a project for the API contracts, and a project for the application
in VSA you forget domain, application, etc
that's CA
and is usually way more complicated than you really need
Hmm I need to look at more examples then.
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