I'm completely new to this, how do i run C# code
I want to run this but got absolutely zero idea how
GitHub - zarroboogs/smt3hdpc.saveutil: A simple save decryption and...
A simple save decryption and encryption utility for SMT3HD PC - zarroboogs/smt3hdpc.saveutil
11 Replies
@meat87 Down the right side of the page, there's a Releases section, if you click through to that you can download an already compiled version.

(This is a thing for GitHub in general, not just C#)
yeah got this
but how do i input the code in readme/github page
In a terminal, eg Command Prompt.
What version of Windows are you on?
i'm on windows 10
do i just open cmd?
and paste code changing file path
to be accurate to mine
that works
cmd opened where the exe is
btw you can drag files into cmd to paste the path to them
oh ok
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