✅ idk why when the form is maximize, it stays as the same size.
i want it to expand like when its full screened, but the panels had a problem w their scale/sizes stays the same.

7 Replies
also just like this one the panel size remains as if its not fit for the form size

this gets tricky in winforms. what you're experiencing is due to the fact that you're using the designer to drag and drop and resize controls. this will give them absolute values for position and scale.
Stack Overflow
resize panel width according to form maximizing in c#
I am working on a windows application in C#.
In that, there is a panel and there is a line shape in the just right to the panel.
The Form State is maximized only. So here when it runs, the panel
what you're going to want to do is use a FlowLayoutPanel as the base for your entire app. you place one of those at the very back of your window and set its Dock to Fill.
from there, you're gonna have to add as many rows and columns as you need (you can change it later) and adjust their individual scale (auto-size to the largest control, fill, or use a proportional size).
and then you just add your controls in the row/column you want. you can also set a row/column span (how many rows/columns the control reaches into)
this is fairly fundamental for "reactive" ui
it's how most systems work. html has divs and spans, wpf has grids, winforms has flowlayoutpanel
oooohhh okayy, wait leme give it a try, thankyouuu
was it like data grid view
thankyouuu, im reading it, i somehow understand how to manage it