C#9mo ago
Samy Chab

Modern UI like W11 for WinForm

I'm looking for how to create a winform app, with a more modern interface than what vs studio currently offer, much like window 11 interface. For example notepad with the muti tabs and more rounded edges. Do I need to download a library or something?
7 Replies
leowest9mo ago
if u want pretty UI then u choose the wrong framework, winform is nice to get a quick PoC but customizing the look of it is not trivial. Your best best will be looking thru github for winforms theme etc and find free ones or migrating to something else like WPF, Avalonia, etc. $wpfuilibs
leowest9mo ago
Samy Chab
Samy ChabOP9mo ago
So WPF libraries would be a better alternative? I'll try these ones then! Thanks! Oh yeah WPF is exactly what im looking for, thanks a lot!
leowest9mo ago
no WPF is a framework u would have to swap from WinForms to WPF completely different way to write UI winforms u can easily drag and drop WPF you dont drag and drop controls u write the controls as if u were writting html sort of
Samy Chab
Samy ChabOP9mo ago

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