Help. Broken Rust plugin
Error while compiling TankCommander: No overload for method 'SetMounted' takes 2 arguments | Line: 523, Pos: 28
12 Replies
is anything confusing about the error message?
What you're trying to use/code against is like two years old. You need to find out what changed in
.Please use a paste site. I literally can't even find the method
Please can you fix this? I have very poor coding skills.
I will be very grateful to you
Use a paste site and I might
FYI I tried looking up how these plugins are defined and I could not find anything. If you can share documentation I might be able to find what changed
what? Paste site?
did I do it right?
You're - literally - going to have to reverse-engineer what was done in BasePlayer class, to understand the required overloads. See here:
Use $paste
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