✅ WSFED authentication and '.AspNetCore.Correlation.A...' cookie not found.
Im trying to setup wsfed for my companies app. We have a VB app that has a login page, where we want to add a new button that would lead to a asp net core 9.0 C# app, where the user would authenticate. The workflow would be that the user presses the button in the VB web app, that would make a post request to the C# apps SignIn method, that would then execute a Challenge on a scheme.
This would return a 302, from which i try to extract the location. Then i just redirect the user to that location.
Problem is im consistently encountering a:
Can anybody help? The VB web app is running locally via https, and the C# is hosted on IIS. Idk if thats relavent. Both should be using https.
Running the exact same method via the C# app gives me a good result, and no exception. We tried samesite=none and other cookie setttings for the C# app, and it doesnt seem to work. Tho i did try this when i used http for the VB app, but https and the original C# code lead to the same exception.
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Unknown User•3w ago
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