I purchased an RFID reader along with its cards and want to use it in a Windows Forms application. However, when I connect it to my PC and try to read a card, the reading process doesn't occur. What steps should I take to resolve this issue?
11 Replies
most readers will act as keyboards
you will need an entry field focused or some background behaviour
So how do we do this?
open notepad, plug in your rfid, scan an rfid chip
it's a keyboard, so you can have any entry box take the entry
Can we do something for external keyboard reading?
i dont know what external keyboard reading means.
How do you perform card reading only?
What do you mean by "perform card reading only"?
Normally adding more words to your explanation helps make it clearer
really, even nfc readers ?
i mean you can get nfc readers that act as keyboards
i think nfc readers require more nuance to use as a keyboard though
(i was referring to rfid readers)
nfc is on top of rfid
yes but you'd need an nfc reader
you can't just stick an nfc card on an rfid reader