C#•5mo ago

The best resources you used to learn C# in the beginning

Would you mind please sharing the best resources you used to learn C# when you first started, I'm eager to learn but I'm struggling to find resources which I can understand. I don't need my hand to be held throughout the whole thing but a lot of the resources I've came across don't really seem to explain things in depth (what things mean / what they do) and it can seem overwhelming quite quickly :/
9 Replies
Angius•5mo ago
Fanta•5mo ago
I've been using https://www.amazon.com/C-Players-Guide-5th/dp/0985580151 alongside Codewars for practicing the syntax
The C# Player's Guide (5th Edition)
The C# Player's Guide (5th Edition)
apnxmammoth•5mo ago
Lol, so, it's kind of funny what happened to me. I studied python, and then I was looking for a job, but the job the guy gave me was for C#. It was a small company (still is), and he threw me in the deep end. I had to develop APIs, build an import tool, integrate with a Wacom signature device, etc. A bit off track, but what I am trying to say is, projects. Do projects and Google. I personally feel like you do not have to buy these online courses or buy the books. Yes, they help, but all of the information is available online. Start by getting some ideas for a little project. Then you move on to the next one, and the next one. Also, Microsoft Docs is an amazing place to go read on the stuff as you are working.
Fanta•5mo ago
You're insanely lucky that happened, I keep getting ignored for knowing X but not Y 😭 Also, I might be biased cause I failed a junior .NET developer interview but, when you make projects do learn specifics of the code that you end up writing. My interviewer was asking me for things like "difference between const and readonly", "what's the usage of the using statement, and what king of objects can we use" and he ended up saying that I'm entry level for him for not knowing language specifics. He also told me to stop jumping around languages and learn one really well as a beginner. And this is how I got into C#
apnxmammoth•5mo ago
The problem I have with interviews is, and this is me personally, I do not do well under pressure. Neither am I good with theory. So, they would alsways ask theory related questions, but then the explination that I give would not be what they want. I would build a few projects. Add it to your portfolio and when you apply for a job, attach your Github page (this is where you will be uploading your projects), and let them have a look at that. This is good for 2 reasons: 1. They will be able to see what you are capable of. 2. You learn as you go along, and hopefully, if they do give you interview questions, you will be able to answer them easily.
Fanta•5mo ago
I have many problems with interview methods, but my empty stomach won't let me
Yuki [Art Director - CM Studios]
Its an arcaic method! Like non home office! It could change for the better! hehehe, i got you
apnxmammoth•4mo ago
We actually had the ability to work remotely and all of that, but we got a new office, so we have to go in every day now, but I don't mind to be honest, because I love the work environment we have. It's actually more fun at the office than it is at home.

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