C#2mo ago

✅ async/await and parallelism

the problem that spawned this question is that i get a "collection was modified" exception and i don't know why that is the code is a client for a device, the _message linked list is being accessed in three ways: from a heartbeat loop, from the i/o eventhandler, and from the public methods of the commands -- after an await (also _messages is never enumerated with a for/foreach) so i understand that asynchronous model has following properties: - multithreading: yes, easily verifiable (thread pool, background threads, and all that) - concurrency: yes, that's the whole point of async/await - parallelism: no, probably? and yet in some way in a method that is not even async i get the exception above so then my question is: considering i don't (explicitly) create ither threads and i don't use Task.Run, is it possible that the use of await method() could cause some sort of parallelism? or could code get parallel execution by some other practice? (again, excluding creating other threads)
i know i can add a lock or use a concurrent collection or use a channel, but i am given this tool, async/await, i have a mental model of it, but evidently something is wrong, and i cannot use it if i don't know how it works
55 Replies
SleepWellPupper2mo ago
Can you share code?
this_is_painOP2mo ago
code is not that much, but it's still company's code and i don't have a sample
SleepWellPupper2mo ago
Well the "collection was modified" exception (afaik) occurs due to concurrent enumeration & modification. Are you sure the list is not being enumerated anywhere? The issue would be accessing the list concurrently. That doesn't necessarily require parallelism, as you say. So if your code is asynchronous but sequential, i.e. you don't manually initiate parallelism by e.g. kicking of multiple tasks and then calling Task.WhenXYZ, you should be fine. The exception indicates to me that somewhere you access it outside of the sequential code.
this_is_painOP2mo ago
yes, exception is thrown while this is being executed: waited = _messages.Any(_ => _ is Type31Message86 or Type30Message86); but concurrency cannot "interrupt" .Any i could understand if it was like foreach(_messages) { await something..., but i don't have that
SleepWellPupper2mo ago
Ah. .Any enumerates the list internally
this_is_painOP2mo ago
sure, but that would not be an issue by my understanding
SleepWellPupper2mo ago
See here:
public static bool Any<TSource>(this IEnumerable<TSource> source)
if (source is null)

if (source is ICollection<TSource> gc)
return gc.Count != 0;

if (source is Iterator<TSource> iterator)
int count = iterator.GetCount(onlyIfCheap: true);
if (count >= 0)
return count != 0;

iterator.TryGetFirst(out bool found);
return found;

if (source is ICollection ngc)
return ngc.Count != 0;

using IEnumerator<TSource> e = source.GetEnumerator();
return e.MoveNext();
public static bool Any<TSource>(this IEnumerable<TSource> source)
if (source is null)

if (source is ICollection<TSource> gc)
return gc.Count != 0;

if (source is Iterator<TSource> iterator)
int count = iterator.GetCount(onlyIfCheap: true);
if (count >= 0)
return count != 0;

iterator.TryGetFirst(out bool found);
return found;

if (source is ICollection ngc)
return ngc.Count != 0;

using IEnumerator<TSource> e = source.GetEnumerator();
return e.MoveNext();
Notice the enumerator being accessed and MoveNext being called. That likely throws for the linked list enumerator if you add/remove elements between the enumerator being created and MoveNext being called If the exception is thrown while enumerating, then that indicates you are concurrently modifying it.
this_is_painOP2mo ago
yes, but i the only way this could cause problems is if there was another thread accessing _messages .Any doesn't return control until it's finished other parts of the code have to add and remove items from the collection the matter i don't understand is how can they be running while .Any is being called
SleepWellPupper2mo ago
Okay Are the other parts of the code perhaps being executed asynchronously, and a task is in flight when Any is called? In that case, it's possible you now have parallel access to the list (the task was scheduled to another thread)
this_is_painOP2mo ago
so i was trying to understand: can async/await have some sort of parallelism outside of new Thread()?
SleepWellPupper2mo ago
this_is_painOP2mo ago
but the fact is: every access to _messages is after an await it has to be async machine that does this even if a command is called, then the execution goes into a background thread because of await
SleepWellPupper2mo ago
Is all access to _messages synchronous, even indirectly? await doesn't necessarily schedule the continuation to a "background" thread. Consider the case that the awaited method returns synchronously, then no scheduling will occur.
this_is_painOP2mo ago
that's true
SleepWellPupper2mo ago
That's why I was asking about in flight tasks accessing the list, they would by definition be in a bg thread while .Any ran. Did you try setting a breakpoint in a try catch around the Any call and inspect the Parallel Stacks window for other threads running while Any excecutes?
this_is_painOP2mo ago
i'm thinking i can tell you _messages is never accessed by main thread, i've debugged that
SleepWellPupper2mo ago
How did you do that?
this_is_painOP2mo ago
debug.print thread id and also _messages is accessed after sending/receiving, so i doubt await would solve synchronously, although i guess i can't exclude it 100%
SleepWellPupper2mo ago
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this_is_painOP2mo ago
sure we can say there always two threads around (plus main)
SleepWellPupper2mo ago
I'd try to make out threads that're accessing the list by checking if their call stack starts in my code somewhere and then see if it modifies the list somewhere. Then I'd have proof of the parallel access. In the screenshot I broke right on Main so I only have one thread.
this_is_painOP2mo ago
yes bug does not occur often so im trying to think if i recall seeing that but i think root was a background thread "wake up" method, i don't remember the name now
SleepWellPupper2mo ago
Maybe you're missing an await somewhere and a task thrown away; that could maybe sporadically cause the issue
this_is_painOP2mo ago
sure, i have to run heartbeat; i either use _ = HeartBeatLoopAsync(); or i use a timer, but in a way i have to have a task running that (task, not thread) in bug situation i can see in parallel stacks that there are two threads pointing at the code one of those is main thread, but i don't trust it because exception has been thrown i trust what id is being printed by debug.print
Pascal2mo ago
does _ = HeartBeatLoopAsync(); modify _messages? And do you access _messages outside HeartBeatLoopAsync()? If so, then this is the problem.
this_is_painOP2mo ago
HeartbeatLoopAsync awaits HeartbeatAsync command:
public async Task<(WiredCountMessage87, WirelessCountMessage88)> HeartbeatAsync(CancellationToken cancellation)
await SendSimpleAsync(new HeartbeatRequest(), cancellation);

WiredCountMessage87? m87 = null;
WirelessCountMessage88? m88 = null;
await _waitResponse.Task;
if (PopMessage<WiredCountMessage87>() is WiredCountMessage87 notNull87) m87 = notNull87;
if (PopMessage<WirelessCountMessage88>() is WirelessCountMessage88 notNull88) m88 = notNull88;
while (m87 == null || m88 == null);
return (m87, m88);
public async Task<(WiredCountMessage87, WirelessCountMessage88)> HeartbeatAsync(CancellationToken cancellation)
await SendSimpleAsync(new HeartbeatRequest(), cancellation);

WiredCountMessage87? m87 = null;
WirelessCountMessage88? m88 = null;
await _waitResponse.Task;
if (PopMessage<WiredCountMessage87>() is WiredCountMessage87 notNull87) m87 = notNull87;
if (PopMessage<WirelessCountMessage88>() is WirelessCountMessage88 notNull88) m88 = notNull88;
while (m87 == null || m88 == null);
return (m87, m88);
so 1) send request [tcp/websocket] 2) wait for messages to arrive 3) PopMessage PopMessage removes the <T> from _message
Pascal2mo ago
Which methods would invoke _message.Any ?
this_is_painOP2mo ago
it's another command, like HeartbeatAsync send the request, wait that _messages contains at least a message, call _messages.Any to find if any interesting messages have been parsed (if not, wait again)
Pascal2mo ago
So there is a chance for a race condition here. While the other command invokes _message.Any (which may enumerate the _messages, in your case it seems like it does), PopMessage will try to mutate _message. It is important to remember that C# is not single threaded, async continuation may happen on a different thread (default thread pool, unless configured otherwise). Also note that waited = _messages.Any(_ => _ is Type31Message86 or Type30Message86); may iterate over multiple items before the condition is satisfied. The quickest solution is to use a concurrent data structure provided in the language. from your description and code snippets this is not sequential async.
this_is_painOP2mo ago
i have to think about it -- tomorrow, after i have slept in the meantime i just put a lock() around _messages usage because i had to demo it
SleepWellPupper2mo ago
Yeah if you _ = HeartBeatLoopAsync(); and then _messages.Any, the continuation after await SendSimpleAsync(new HeartbeatRequest(), cancellation); will likely be scheduled to a bg thread since it involves guaranteed IO. So HeartBeatLoopAsync will return asynchronously when that happens, you'll reach the .Any call and bang, depending on whether or not .Any finishes before youcall PopMessage, you see the excpetion.
this_is_painOP2mo ago
i'm trying to prove that main thread and whatever the thread of HeartbeatLoopAsync is have nothing to do with this problem is the bug seem to manifest only the "first time" i start this
SleepWellPupper2mo ago
Can you post the parallel stacks window?
this_is_painOP2mo ago
eh, adding debug stuff now bug doesn't manifest if/when i get one i'll post it
SleepWellPupper2mo ago
trying to prove that main thread and whatever the thread of HeartbeatLoopAsync is have nothing to do with this
it seems pretty clear cut to me: 1. guaranteed async return from your socket interaction 2. ignoring the task that represents that 3. continue to .Any on thread that called heartbeat function 4. meanwhile the continuation after socket interaction is scheduled to another thread 5. other thread manipulates message list 6. race condition with .Any since you're working in two threads now 7. exception
this_is_painOP2mo ago
i would argue against 2 the not awaited method starts a loop which sends an heartbeat command which is awaited but since it's a valid doubt, if i show that the loop thread is not used after the await where the command is sent then it's not its fault also because it's a task, not a thread, so it still has to respect the thread pool mechanisms
this_is_painOP2mo ago
tasks in exception condition (release build)
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this_is_painOP2mo ago
threads in exception condition (release)
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this_is_painOP2mo ago
or to be more clear HeartbeatLoopAsync returns at the end of the program
SleepWellPupper2mo ago
_messages is enumerated here
No description
SleepWellPupper2mo ago
and manipulated here
No description
SleepWellPupper2mo ago
i would argue against 2 the not awaited method starts a loop which sends an heartbeat command which is awaited
The loop method returns asynchronously as soon as you hit the socket, and you throw away the task, so the rest of the loop including any further iterations are executed on a bg thread
this_is_painOP2mo ago
in the doubt i don't trust this is main thread because before that i got the thread and it was not main (although it will return to main), maybe it's the exception state that alter this or maybe it's showing the effective thread that started the command yes, i meant the task returns at the end of the program i may have kinda understood what's happening, and it's this practically, i believe although it strikes me as weird
SleepWellPupper2mo ago
It doesn't matter what thread it is, the fact is that due to the guaranteed async IO in your socket communication, and you throwing away the task that represents the continuation of that, you end up with parallel access to the list. It's not weird at all, this is the expected behaviour. If you want to sequentialize async operations, you have to await them aka don't throw away the task or use a synchronization mechanism like lock or a concurrent collection if read/write accesses are short, a spinlock could do. Else, I'd probably look to SemaphoreSlim
this_is_painOP2mo ago
yes but just because heartbeat loop ends in a background thread i didn't expect this to be executed independently (of the main threadpool) i don't think this should need a sync primitive, although i may understand why framework does this
SleepWellPupper2mo ago
The thread that calls the heartbeat loop keeps running synchronously after the loop method returns asynchronously, so it's not available for scheduling continuations when the socket IO is done. So the continuation will be scheduled on another thread from the pool. But all this is also kinda race-y.
this_is_painOP2mo ago
i think i can just adopt the functional programming way and copy _messages for heartbeat loop with events so that it has his owned little space to work with, but i would really prefer that this task was on the main thread pool hmm i can try to await it, tbh (although how would framework know that thread will be awaited, it's not a quantum async machine or a schrodinger's task, so something's not right still, and i don't think gc knowing of a variable with a reference to it would make a difference) (ps: in fact it doesn't)
SelfLess2mo ago
use 'Lock' to prevent collection modification ..
SleepWellPupper2mo ago
I don't know why you still think it's a mystery, you have an in-flight task that you ignore that is manipulating the list while the main thread is reading from it at the same time. You have to synchronize both operations, either by sequentializing via await or any of the other synchronization mechanisms. Your continuation cannot be scheduled to the main thread because it is busy executing everything after calling the heartbeat loop function, i.e. enumerating the list. Therefore, the async continuation is scheduled on a bg thread. You could also look at a concurrent producer-consumer setup, with the heartbeat producing messages and some consumer popping them from the collection.
this_is_painOP2mo ago
you cannot await a loop that doesn't return i did that temporarily
SelfLess2mo ago
I was reading again your question.. you should use concorrent ques. if there is multi threaded env. and async/await moreover I mean list or collection can be of COncurrent type
SleepWellPupper2mo ago
sure you can it just won't terminate.
this_is_painOP2mo ago
it's not just that it won't terminate, it won't get past the start phase of the device, so the rest of the program will never be exeuted i want to try to first find a solution that doesn't require synchronization primitives (or collections with synch. primitives) because i would say this is quite a common pattern and i find it really strange that there is not an already estabilished way to have a timer or an alternative that doesn't cause race conditions if sadly that fails, which it may be, then there still should be a way to do it so that heartbeat loop and commands remain isolated
SleepWellPupper2mo ago
I mean you want to read and write from the list concurrently (possibly in parallel), there is (afaik) no way to do that properly without using a synchronization mechanism of some sort, be it a concurrent collection, p/c pattern, sync mechanism, atomic exchange etc. Seems to me you're going on a painful path with questionable benefits? What's the issue with using a concurrent collection here? Or better yet, a prod/con implementation like channels?
this_is_painOP2mo ago
per my current understading it's really unsatisfying and disappointing that i would have to resort this, because i feel like it should be a much simpler mechanism, and as said before it's a problem so common (having a keep alive while other stuff is running) that i would have expected to find a well established pattern (also tbh concurrency is the greatest of pains, and possibly slow when there's to synchronize stuff, although in this specific case those are not actual issues) now, i am going through the pain of mental cogs grinding, but i want to do things my way; if in this process of researching i learn that i'm wrong because i was missing something (absolutely possible), then i'll adapt and change or at least i want to get to the bottom of my reasoning to understand if all the pieces fall together because evidently there's at least one piece on which i have not thought enough i think im clearing my head

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