Calling static method of interface via it's type
There's an interface called ISerializer.
ISerializer implements two static methods called Serialize and Deserialize.
There's a class that implements ISerializer called ArraySerializer.
ArraySerializer is requires an generic type parameter of type ISerializer...
The ArraySerializer needs to call the Serialize/Deserialize method of the generic type parameter
34 Replies
What bugs me is that I know that the Type implements ISerializable, why can't I use the static methods of it?
what type implements ISerializable?
Where T : ISerializer<T>
Or if your type itself can't be a serializer, then just create an instance of TSerializer
this is all static here
which yeah isnt a very good idea but whatever
what do you expect
to do?Deserialize is a method that reads from a stream and returns something of Type T, that's what ISerializer is meant for
(ISerializer is custom, not to be mistaken with whatever other interface that might be named the same)
Unfortunately turns out it doesn't quite work the way I intended, particularly the part about static methods not being reference-able via the type
Might have to completely rethink how this is supposed to work...
yeah but youre not giving it any arguments
I'm not giving it any arguments because look like it does not exist...
Basically apparently you can't normally call a static method by the type
That's why I'm asking, because I might need to step back and comepletely rethink the whole system, cus looks like my original plan is invalid in multiple ways
How would you write something like this?
It's meant to be used for saving primarily, converting binary from and to other types
im not sure what youre asking
REPL Result: Success
Console Output
Compile: 420.469ms | Execution: 74.448ms | React with ❌ to remove this embed.
thats valid
REPL Result: Success
Result: int[]
Compile: 428.780ms | Execution: 43.170ms | React with ❌ to remove this embed.
i think youre trying to do something like this? what isnt working for you?
Huh... Idk why it's working for you... Sure didn't when I did it? Is it Unity's C# version or something?
oh unity
yeah it uses an old version, thats not supported
Back in mine, static interface methods must have a body, yours doesn't
did unity upgrdae to a newer version or something?
static interface methods are fairly new iirc
anyway you need to declare them abstract in the interface
btw there are many serialization libraries so theres no need to do this for something other than learning
MessagePack always breaks badly, somehow
I originally struggled with MessagePack a lot to get it to work in the first place
breaks how
trying to fix it would be easier than writing your own
Later I struggled with it for days again when trying IL2CPP for potentially faster runtime
And now it's when I tried migrating to Unity6
theres also MemoryPack which doesnt do encoding
Typically resolver issues, something about revolver not defined in standard resolver, or entirely not found
And turned out later that I'd need to use .NET framework instead, because for some reason it didn't wanna work normally when on .NET standard
I can't access the project right now so I can't tell what exactly the issue is anymore
Um... Idk that package, can try I guess
MessagePack is said to be very fast and compact, that's why I used it, but maybe it's not a robust design or something, idk, it just frequently ends up in trouble, mostly issues with custom type resolvers
ive never used it before personally, but its very popular and seems fairly battle tested so it must be robust
it does look somewhat tricky to use in some cases tho
tradeoff for performance
MemoryPack is made by the same person
Unknown User•4mo ago
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Well, I had another look at MessagePack's documentation, and I see something I can try next time I work on my project... Might be that for some reason Unity6 doesn't automatically register the generated resolver like when I was trying IL2CPP, so I'll need to include the registry function
At least, it sounds like it makes sense
When my brother was trying to fix it he insisted that the only solution is to use .NET framework instead, which is why I decided to avoid MessagePack and try write my own
Unknown User•4mo ago
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but for a game save file how would this happen
Unknown User•4mo ago
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thats not really a volunrability
you can say that about any format
Unknown User•4mo ago
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it seems to just dump the raw bytes
no encoding
so the goal is performance
if i understood correctly at least
Unknown User•4mo ago
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oh i dont think they meant cross lang
Unknown User•4mo ago
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anyway yeah protobuf seems nice for that