Ping Pong Game (Need Helping Adjusting AI Move)
Need help with the Computer hitting the ball back
8 Replies
the computer paddle always hits the ball back making no possibility for the player to win
how can i make it so the computer paddle doesn't always hit the ball so the player can have a fair chance of winning
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You can make the AI move slower (slower paddle speed), or add randomness to it's "thinking".
where in the code can i adjust the speed
under MoveComputerPaddle()
pcbComp.Left -= (int)dblSpeed;
is that suppose to slow it down?
wherever the movement code is
private void MoveComputerPaddle()
// Moves the computer paddle position to align with the ball
if (pcbComp.Left + (pcbComp.Width / 2) < pcbBall.Left)
pcbComp.Left += (int)dblSpeed/1;
else if (pcbComp.Left + (pcbComp.Width / 2) > pcbBall.Left)
pcbComp.Left -= (int)dblSpeed/1;
here is what i have for the computer paddle