Can someone tell me what am i doing wrong?
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace ObjectsProject
internal class Bucket
private int capacity;
private double currentAmount;
public Bucket(int capacity, double currentAmount)
this.capacity = capacity;
currentAmount = 0.0;
public void SetCapacity(int capacity)
this.capacity = capacity;
public void SetCurrentAmount(double currentAmount)
this.currentAmount = currentAmount;
public void EmptyAll()
this.currentAmount = 0.0;
public void IsEmpty()
if (this.currentAmount == 0)
public void Empty()
if (currentAmount > 0)
currentAmount = 0;
public void FillAll()
if (capacity > currentAmount)
this.capacity = (int)this.currentAmount;
Console.WriteLine("The bucket is already full!");
public void IsFill()
if (capacity == currentAmount)
public void Fill()
if (currentAmount > 0)
currentAmount = capacity;
public int GetCapacity()
return capacity;
public double GetCurrentAmount()
return currentAmount;
public void PourInto(Bucket otherBucket)
while (this.currentAmount > 0 && otherBucket.currentAmount < otherBucket.capacity)
public bool Equals(Bucket otherBucket)
return this.capacity == otherBucket.capacity && this.currentAmount == otherBucket.currentAmount;
public override string ToString()
return $"Bucket with capacity {capacity} and current amount {currentAmount}";
using ObjectsProject;
using System;
class Program
static void Main()
Console.Write("Enter bucket capacity: ");
int capacity = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
Console.Write("Enter current amount: ");
double currentAmount = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
Bucket bucket = new Bucket(capacity, currentAmount);
while (bucket.GetCurrentAmount() > 0 && bucket.GetCurrentAmount() < bucket.GetCapacity())
Console.Write("Do you want to (add) or (remove) water? ");
string action = Console.ReadLine().ToLower();
Console.Write("Enter amount: ");
double amount = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
if (action == "add")
bucket.SetCurrentAmount(Math.Min(bucket.GetCurrentAmount() + amount, bucket.GetCapacity()));
else if (action == "remove")
bucket.SetCurrentAmount(Math.Max(bucket.GetCurrentAmount() - amount, 0));
Console.WriteLine("Invalid option. Please enter 'add' or 'remove'.");
Console.WriteLine("Bucket is either empty or full.");

8 Replies
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CurrentAmount = Capacity in the FillAll method?
follow your code step by step
you should see it
what should i do with it?
i put that if its not zero and smaller than capacity it should ask to add or not and all that
and it wont work
just straight goes to end the code
right, so
bucket.GetCurrentAmount() > 0 && bucket.GetCurrentAmount() < bucket.GetCapacity()
is evaluating to false
and you need to work backwards to find out why that is
i would start by looking at which of those conditions are evaluating to false