How can I reference multiple generics in summary?
This does not work. Is there a way to do this?
8 Replies
does not appear to be possible
This is sad 😦
Man that issue was created in 2017, it's almost been 8 years
there are simply more important things :p
Yeah true
So this is definitely a hack, as it requires a non generic type to exist and it obviously links to that non generic type if clicked on. This at least gets the highlighting correct though in the summary when hovering over the method in Visual Studio.
This might be slightly better because the links actually go to the right type, however the types lose the the appropriate highlighting and just appear blue.
worth mentioning that this is ide-specific. these do not even work in vscode, for example.
Yeah, you're right. It just shows the summary all in white.
And links don't work
Though if I may say, you have little reason to just return a Task without marking the method as async and awaiting it on the other end.
Documentation for methods like that very rarely include that they return a
and moreso focus on the T
Very specific to this example and not a solution to the overall problem, but might do you some good in this caseYeah I left it off there by mistake, I was just showing the documentation portion.
That is a good point though