Can someone help me fix my code, it doesnt open usercoontrols form porperly
i just satrted to learn c# and if i dont understand something sorry
16 Replies
It's hard to fix code that we can't see. $help
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Please share all code that's relevant, and include screenshots so we can see what "doesn't open properly" actually means
You'll get a much better response with screenshots. I'm at work: I can't take a call, but I can look at images
I think this is all of the code to open the usercontrol form

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i tried to use chatgpt but i dont think it helped
And what does that look like?
like when i open the usercontrol the code button is checked but it doesnt need ato and when i re open it the fastcolored textbox desapears
I think we need to see a lot more code -- the stuff you posted doesn't contain anything to do with how the buttons are selected or deselected, and only has one button click handler
maybe when you will get home i could just call you and screen share?
Sorry, I'm busy in the evenings