Trying to get a small free database?
Hi :D ! I am watching some youtube tutorials to read & write on an exel file but all the tutorials are outdated and now this isn't free anymore.. Does anyone know a small database i can use in C# to read & write data?
12 Replies
Uh, SQLite?
That said, running most databases locally will be free
Postgres, MariaDB, MySQL, all of them are FOSS
SQL Server has a free version as well
oh hum online
but can u explain to me a bit more, I've never touched databases before
Explain what, exactly?
SQLite is a file-based database. Just a single file that exists on the server
Good for reads, falls off with concurrent writes
Other databases I mentioned need to run a server you connect to
It can be on the same machine, a different one, or even delegated to someone else
Plenty of companies offer managed databases alongside their VPS offer
There are some services that have a free tier for a managed database
Supabase, for example, offers managed Postgres hosting with a free tier
most databases are essentially programs you run
you can run them yourself, get them from a cloud provider, etc
excel is not a database
Yeah, that's also worth mentioning
Excel is a spreadsheet software, not a database
You can use a spreadsheet in lieu of a database... but it's probably not the best idea
My bad as i said it i almost never touched that online stuff, I've only worked locally with small C# console apps and games.
Basically what I want is to be able to write data somewhere online, and someone else (with my app obviously) can read it and write on it.
Like, a simple C# program
Ah, you want an API connected to a database then
Just exposing the database is rarely a good idea
What I mean is that your desktop app, or mobile app, or whatever it is should not be connecting to an online database directly
It would need the database credentials for that, and unless you secure that database really well, it would mean anybody can execute any database queries they want
So you put an API in front
The apps can call that API, which limits what they can do
The API can have an endpoint like
which would add a single point to some user
Without giving the user ability to do UPDATE Users u WHERE u.Id = :my_id SET u.Points = u.Points + 999999
I see, this seems logical. I've never done that and idk where to start, do you have some tutorials, tools, libraries maybe or whatever that could help me start?
Tutorial: Create a web API with ASP.NET Core
Learn how to build a web API with ASP.NET Core.