C#2w ago

C# how can i adapt my panel while dragging the form

I have an user control(windows forms) called listItem,there i have a panel with dock-fill, then i have a flowlayoutpanel in another Form called formInicio, i also have that flowlayoutpanel with dock-fill, in the flowlayoutpanel i have my listitem repeated so i have autoscroll-true on the flowlayoutpanel,the problem is that when i try to call FormInicio from a panel located in my MainForm it works yeah i can see my formInicio there but when i resize the window by dragging the edges,the panel with the FormInicio just do not change his size
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3 Replies
boiled goose
boiled goose2w ago
if you are saying that you want the usercontrol to scale in the flp when you resize the form, it won't work automatically because that's not the flp behavior
Shap2w ago
what shall i do the usercontrol cant adjust?
boiled goose
boiled goose2w ago
you either scale it manually, you use another control instead of flp (i can't think of one atm), or use another ui engine (like wpf)