C#5d ago

Foreign text in my app

I was debugging my app locally when I noticed this foreign text.
瀀琀㸀਀    昀甀渀挀琀椀漀渀 猀挀爀椀瀀琀䰀漀愀搀攀搀⠀⤀ 笀਀        ␀⠀∀⌀昀椀攀氀搀开
Here's my code:
@page "/Support"
@attribute [Authorize]


<p>Skjema for innsending av supportsak til SuperOffice</p>

<script src='https://online2.superoffice.com/[redacted]' onload="superOfficeScriptLoaded()"></script>

function superOfficeScriptLoaded() {

@code {

@page "/Support"
@attribute [Authorize]


<p>Skjema for innsending av supportsak til SuperOffice</p>

<script src='https://online2.superoffice.com/[redacted]' onload="superOfficeScriptLoaded()"></script>

function superOfficeScriptLoaded() {

@code {

Can someone explain it?
No description
3 Replies
FusedQyou5d ago
Open dev tools and check where in the code this text is applied My guess is an element with id field_2
It's an endianness issue. The string shown in your debugger is literally this:
function scriptLoaded() {
function scriptLoaded() {
But with the bytes of each UTF-16 char swapped. I don't know what would have caused it, but that's the issue at least.

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