cant connect to database ;-;
Hi, need help connecting and making tables, not sure why i cant see the new query button
27 Replies
more info :stare:
uhhhh i can show :0
im in vc
i cant go into VC rn :SCcrying:
what DB software do you use
since you mentiond a query button
im just following a video on youtube
can you share the link

mines supposed to look like the second pi

but mine looks like this rn
ye ive only rly worked with SQLite, PSQL, MariaDB and MySQL before so sadly i cant help with that :SCgetoutofmyhead:
but someone else can probably work with those screenshots
you have the datasource panel open not the server explorer
you can open the serverexplorer in the titlebar -> view-> serverexplorer
the video has the "Server explorer" open, not the "data sources" tab
still no query tho

click the connection itself, not the container

where did i put users in ;-;
it worked then i added the phone number email and stuff then it stopped working
you cant "CREATE TABLE" if the table already exists
you probably just want to
before running createIT WORKED
ty 😄
I can't stress enough how important it is to understand what these commands do lol
imma win