overriding methods
I have multiple questions:
1) What is the benefit of declaring a base method as
before overriding it in an inheriting class? This is my understanding: it allows calling the override despite casting to the base class. Is this correct?
2) What is the difference between overriding a method, and hiding a method? As in, what does the new
keyword do exactly?51 Replies
you have to declare methods as virtual (or abstract) to override them. you can't override them otherwise
keyword changes nothing about the semantics of your program. it just stops the compiler from giving you a warning, because it now assumes you're using a method of the same name in the parent and child deliberatelySo what is the difference between these two?

1) if you don't, it'll call the method in the base class
2) you tell the compiler you mean the thing at 1) to happen
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try calling it yourself
through the base class and through the child class
I'd also recommend to make the base class abstract in such cases
make stuff you inherit abstract if possible
make child classes sealed if you don't expect to inherit them further
a virtual class being overriden prevents the base class default implementation from being ran, even if the instance's type is the parent class
but lastly, don't inherit if possible
the CLR will infer the proper implementation
this sounds useful if i have multiple classes inheriting from one class
i could make uhhh
List<baseclass> for example and ensure that the implemented .Display() will run and not the base's
i want to nail the oop stuff first, i need to fully and properly grok every single thing about these concepts. once i do, i'll try to implement such advice
that is how it's used
im guessing it's the "composition over inheritence" argument, i hear you
it's not the best idea though
how would you do it?
also, why an abstract method over a virtual one?
It depends. Either make a separate system that decides what to call, or store an interface with the implementation somewhere, possible in a field or another list. I wouldn't want Person to both store data and declare virtual methods. It's harder to redefine things granularly like this, and reuse existing implementing instances. Some state may be shared, but you'd have to store it in the derived class anyway. It's less flexible and always produces kind of a mess
abstract requires a lack of body
not method necessarily, class
why an abstract class, so it doesnt get instanciated?
if you go abstract method, there's no benefit over using a base class over an interface
semantics maybe?
so it's clear it's designed for inheritance
and shouldn't be used for other purposes
so my last question is, what's the difference between abstract class and interface
the only instance where you'd want a base class, is when you wrap an interface implementation, calling into a virtual method, and have the child override that instead
in my experience that's like one of the very few use cases
abstract class can have fields
interface can't have properties or fields?
thats weird
and you can only implement a single base class
properties are backed by fields, so why can you have properties but not fields
but any number of interfaces
they're sort of virtual on interfaces
they're backed by fields when they're on a class
when they're on an interface, it just means get and set methods need to be present
it doesn't enforce the presence of a field

so the implementer can store that count however they want
it doesn't have to be in a field
so how does the CLR infer the type when an object is stored as its base class?
for example
it has a hidden type info pointer field
it points at another object in memory specific to the type of that class
every class has this
ahh okay
that object in memory has a list where it stores the function pointers to the method implementations of the interfaces or the base class it implements
when you call a virtual method indirectly (through the base class for example, or through the child when the child class is not sealed) the CLR walks through that list at runtime to find the entry for the base type (the one which defines the virtual method)
then it calls the method indirectly via the function pointer stored along in that entry
when it's not virtual, or the compiler can determine at compile time (statically) which method will be called, at runtime none of this will happen
it'd just jump to the right instruction from the start
Unless you actually need polymorphism for some purpose, you're better off simulating the type of person yourself with an enum
Especially for simple programs, this is a good idea
Less indirection means easier to debug and usually easier to understand
yeah, and then a switch over this to determine what action to take
This is a more functional approach right?
This is how i'd do it in JS
you'll know it when you'll need polymorphism
or I could have a property in the Person class
you can do pattern matching over hierarchies too, to be fair
It's just open what all the subtypes are
with an enum it's clear that those are the only allowed options
and those are the ones you have to implement
heh, it's the next section

tbh never done this tagging by subtyping. I usually reach out for a manually written tagged union. But I don't think it's bad necessarily
@Anton what happens when there's a chain of inheritence involving overriding virtual base method?
C's implementation gets called instead of B's
the children overrides the immediate parent's methods
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but as you can see even after casting C to A, it still executes C's implementation