C#2d ago

Is Merge Sort implementation wrong in Wikipedia?

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Merge_sort In the below code: 1. iMiddle = (iEnd - iBegin) / 2 should be iMiddle = iBegin + (iEnd - iBegin) / 2 I guess. 2. In method TopDownMerge array B was sorted but never copied to array A.
// Array A[] has the items to sort; array B[] is a work array.
void TopDownMergeSort(A[], B[], n)
CopyArray(A, 0, n, B); // one time copy of A[] to B[]
TopDownSplitMerge(A, 0, n, B); // sort data from B[] into A[]

// Split A[] into 2 runs, sort both runs into B[], merge both runs from B[] to A[]
// iBegin is inclusive; iEnd is exclusive (A[iEnd] is not in the set).
void TopDownSplitMerge(B[], iBegin, iEnd, A[])
if (iEnd - iBegin <= 1) // if run size == 1
return; // consider it sorted
// split the run longer than 1 item into halves
iMiddle = (iEnd + iBegin) / 2; // iMiddle = mid point
// recursively sort both runs from array A[] into B[]
TopDownSplitMerge(A, iBegin, iMiddle, B); // sort the left run
TopDownSplitMerge(A, iMiddle, iEnd, B); // sort the right run
// merge the resulting runs from array B[] into A[]
TopDownMerge(B, iBegin, iMiddle, iEnd, A);

// Left source half is A[ iBegin:iMiddle-1].
// Right source half is A[iMiddle:iEnd-1 ].
// Result is B[ iBegin:iEnd-1 ].
void TopDownMerge(B[], iBegin, iMiddle, iEnd, A[])
i = iBegin, j = iMiddle;

// While there are elements in the left or right runs...
for (k = iBegin; k < iEnd; k++) {
// If left run head exists and is <= existing right run head.
if (i < iMiddle && (j >= iEnd || A[i] <= A[j])) {
B[k] = A[i];
i = i + 1;
} else {
B[k] = A[j];
j = j + 1;

void CopyArray(A[], iBegin, iEnd, B[])
for (k = iBegin; k < iEnd; k++)
B[k] = A[k];
// Array A[] has the items to sort; array B[] is a work array.
void TopDownMergeSort(A[], B[], n)
CopyArray(A, 0, n, B); // one time copy of A[] to B[]
TopDownSplitMerge(A, 0, n, B); // sort data from B[] into A[]

// Split A[] into 2 runs, sort both runs into B[], merge both runs from B[] to A[]
// iBegin is inclusive; iEnd is exclusive (A[iEnd] is not in the set).
void TopDownSplitMerge(B[], iBegin, iEnd, A[])
if (iEnd - iBegin <= 1) // if run size == 1
return; // consider it sorted
// split the run longer than 1 item into halves
iMiddle = (iEnd + iBegin) / 2; // iMiddle = mid point
// recursively sort both runs from array A[] into B[]
TopDownSplitMerge(A, iBegin, iMiddle, B); // sort the left run
TopDownSplitMerge(A, iMiddle, iEnd, B); // sort the right run
// merge the resulting runs from array B[] into A[]
TopDownMerge(B, iBegin, iMiddle, iEnd, A);

// Left source half is A[ iBegin:iMiddle-1].
// Right source half is A[iMiddle:iEnd-1 ].
// Result is B[ iBegin:iEnd-1 ].
void TopDownMerge(B[], iBegin, iMiddle, iEnd, A[])
i = iBegin, j = iMiddle;

// While there are elements in the left or right runs...
for (k = iBegin; k < iEnd; k++) {
// If left run head exists and is <= existing right run head.
if (i < iMiddle && (j >= iEnd || A[i] <= A[j])) {
B[k] = A[i];
i = i + 1;
} else {
B[k] = A[j];
j = j + 1;

void CopyArray(A[], iBegin, iEnd, B[])
for (k = iBegin; k < iEnd; k++)
B[k] = A[k];
Merge sort
In computer science, merge sort (also commonly spelled as mergesort and as merge-sort) is an efficient, general-purpose, and comparison-based sorting algorithm. Most implementations produce a stable sort, which means that the relative order of equal elements is the same in the input and output. Merge sort is a divide-and-conquer algorithm that w...
3 Replies
sibber2d ago
its (iEnd + iBegin) / 2 which is equivalent to iBegin + (iEnd - iBegin) / 2 not sure what you mean by 2 A is being sorted into B
yourFriendOP2d ago
I am so blind. Thank you. I was thinking of copying array B to A after sorting to then use the new partly sorted array A in further steps of recursion instead of using completely unsorted A each time.
void TopDownMerge(B[], iBegin, iMiddle, iEnd, A[])
// Sort B

// Then copy B to A
void TopDownMerge(B[], iBegin, iMiddle, iEnd, A[])
// Sort B

// Then copy B to A
sibber2d ago
you dont want to mutate A you either do the sorting in place or you return a new array and keep the original as is thats typically how functions work

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